A person's awareness of himself as a person may not coincide with his age characteristics. A person as a person is also not determined by gender, weight or height. Personality is a set of traits that appeared as a result of a long process of spiritual and social formation.

Step 1
The word "person" comes from the Latin "persona". That was the name of the actor's mask. That is, a personality is a set of characteristics of a person that reveal his individuality. The process of personality formation can take place for a long time. It consists of several stages. The first stage begins with the development of moral and other norms. At this time, a person learns the rules of behavior in society. At the second stage, the individualization of a person takes place. Here a person is looking for means and ways to designate his own "I".
Step 2
A very important stage in the formation of a personality is the acceptance of an individual by society. After a person has passed this phase, the final stage of personality formation begins - integration. In the course of it is the application of their own individual properties, capabilities, abilities. Each of the three stages helps to form a stable personality structure.
Step 3
The process of personality formation is closely related to socialization. Public institutions are what influences the formation of the worldview of every person. A stable system of views on the world is formed during the interaction of a person in the family, at work. The main process that a person is subject to is the determination of his own place in the world. The formation of values and priorities are the main components of a personality.
Step 4
Basic personality characteristics:
- activity (transformation of the surrounding reality through communication, through creativity, self-development and joint activities with other people);
- stability (relative constancy of personality traits and characteristics);
- integrity (direct connection between personality traits and basic mental processes).
Step 5
The concept of "personality" systematizes the traits that a person needs for effective integration in society. The ability to perform desired actions and take full responsibility for them is one of the hallmarks of a mature personality. This ability is called will. The ability to analyze actions, actions and consequences from them indicates the level of development of the human mind. The attitude of each to volitional acts committed both by others and by himself is called freedom. The conscious action of any person is accompanied by an emotional attitude towards him. As a result, a full-fledged personality is born from such components.