Dealing with unfriendly people can be unpleasant. However, it is often necessary to do this, for example, at work or in any conflict situation. To communicate correctly with such people, you need to follow some guidelines.

Listen to the person
Be calm when dealing with an unfriendly person. Try to find out what exactly he wants to tell you, perhaps his behavior is justified and has a foundation. Some people tend to bring their own problems into conversation with other people. This behavior is inherently irrational, but it tends to be common for many people. Most often, this happens when meeting strangers who do not care about someone else's emotional well-being. They easily take out their discontent on their interlocutors.
Another reason for unfriendliness can be the presence of prejudice and hostility, for example, racial, professional, etc. Such people, as a rule, are stubborn in their views, it is difficult to convince them of the falsity of the positions defended.
If you feel that you will not be able to convince the person and the conversation with him may develop into a conflict, stop the conversation.
Calm down the interlocutor
After listening to the person, pay attention to his further speech. If it turns into an insult, politely but confidently ask him to stop by saying, for example, "Your behavior is not appropriate" or "There is no need to be so rude." Try to remain calm, do not show aggression and do not lose your temper, this will only lead to escalation of the situation.
In no case try to refute the words of the interlocutor and do not insult him in return, such actions will have the opposite effect.
Find out the real reason for unfriendliness
If, after listening to the person, you do not understand the reasons for his behavior, continue the conversation in the same spirit. Ask him leading questions. Such people, as a rule, are too impulsive; to convey their thoughts, they often resort to rude language. If his answers are reasoned and rational, it may be possible to quickly resolve the situation. Either way, try to get the conversation back on track.
Some unfriendly people are difficult to communicate with due to their lack of proper behavioral skills. They, as a rule, sincerely do not understand that they are being rude to their interlocutors. In such cases, there is no choice but to say bluntly that they are too rude.
Don't gossip
Talking to unfriendly people can be negatively affected by talking about him with someone else. Do not talk about the behavior of such a person with strangers and acquaintances. Nobody likes gossip about themselves, and by discussing such people, you only give them the right to communicate with you in rougher forms. If you are talking to someone about this person, avoid sharp wording and limit yourself only to stories about exactly how your conversation went.