Many women want to listen to compliments as often as possible, keep a conversation with a loved one, receive support and encouragement from his words. But there are also silent men, with whom it is not so easy to communicate.

Step 1
Women often make mistakes because they do not know the reasons for the silence of a loved one. It begins to seem to them that the man does not love or is trying to hide something. Although in reality everything is completely different. Most men do not consider it necessary to talk about their problems. But if you can still learn something from some, then others believe that their problems concern only themselves. As a rule, it is really difficult to understand something based on the appearance and behavior of such people. However, as a rule, in difficult times they become even more silent than usual. In this case, you do not need to pester your man with questions, all the more, try to put pressure on him.
Step 2
It happens that a woman begins to come up with her own versions of the development of events. As a result, accusations arise about what did not exist in reality. Of course, in this way you can only hurt your loved one. It happens that a lady in any way tries to force a man to tell her about everything. However, this is unlikely to be implemented in practice. Such men try not to shift their problems to others, especially to their girlfriend. Therefore, it is better to try to distract him from sad thoughts, go somewhere with him or arrange a romantic evening, preparing his favorite dishes. So he will be able to unwind and quickly forget about his experiences.
Step 3
Often such men try not to speak out loud about their love. Of course, the ladies lack this, and they begin to accuse him of callousness and insensitivity. It is by no means necessary to do this, because, as a rule, such people demonstrate their love not in words, but in deeds, and this is much more important. Plus, they really don't understand why talk about love all the time. For a taciturn person, a word spoken once has tremendous meaning. If he said that he loved, this statement is eternal and unshakable. In case love leaves, he will certainly inform about it.
Step 4
Silent people have one undeniable advantage. They are generally excellent listeners. Unlike other talkers, such men really know how to hear their women. If they have truly valuable thoughts about what they have heard, they will certainly express them and be able to give practical advice. However, comments and advice are likely to be brief, as tacit people are used to talking only to the point.