Raising children is a rather complicated and lengthy process. Every parent wants to see their child as kind and helpful, but, unfortunately, not always everything goes smoothly.

Formation of genetic disposition
Even during pregnancy, a woman is in a restless state, is nervous, worried, thinks about who will be in the future - a son or a daughter? During pregnancy, it is better to minimize such feelings, since this period is very important for the formation of the future person. With the birth of a baby, relatives think about how to raise a responsive and humane child? Will these qualities hinder him in the future? Will not his good nature and pity turn against him?
Psychologists say that children are learning and slowly growing up quite early. Raising a caring and gentle person will not happen by accident. Father and mother are an example. Spoiled and spoiled is also a reflection of the family, because whatever the street teaches, the key influence still occurs at home.
It is imperative to love and praise, but in moderation. This should not be expressed in the amount of material wealth. New-fashioned devices, modern clothes - all this is not evidence of love, expressing warmth and empathy, but rather the satisfaction of another desire. At this rate, you can miss the case when the child crosses the border of permissibility. Show, or even better, teach selfless help to a neighbor or elderly people will be an excellent foundation for the formation of a kind, responsive personality in the future. The main thing is to prepare the child to do good deeds and teach him to show respect for others.
Patronage during adolescence will be negative. Demonstration of guardianship over a child will entail excessive delicacy and spoiledness. The slightest bruise or scratch causes immense fear in mom. However, in the future, the inability to solve the problem on its own may manifest itself unexpectedly, and not from the best side. Betrayal, envy and evil are constantly present in our society, they are an integral part of life. Learning to cope with this is not an easy task. It is necessary to try to suggest a solution. You shouldn't sculpt an ideal, perfection, a bunch of acquired complexes - it's even worse.
The child takes the bad mood of the parents to heart. Especially if this happens at a time when he definitely needs to talk and find out the problem. Shouts, scandals, a raised tone of voice are unacceptable. In such cases, it is necessary to talk, to explain the reason for such a mood. It is still difficult for them to understand the shortcomings and complex rules of life. Better to put off business for a while and try to calm down.
The opposite of responsibility is excessive complacency. Too sensitive, they can drag abandoned dogs and cats into the apartment. That is, to sacrifice your interests in sacrifice to others. Extremes will not lead to anything good. You can lead to this - for example, if you have a kitten, since the child will have to look after him.
Spend more time, read interesting books, fairy tales, watch cartoons. Patience, attention, communication, a friendly atmosphere will help to show positive traits and lay the right upbringing in children. To achieve the goal, it is enough to be an example to follow.