Treating a newborn's nose is a procedure that must be performed daily. If certain problems arise during the cleaning of the nasal passages, special medicines should be used.

cotton wool, water, vegetable oil, medicines for rinsing the nose
Step 1
Treating a newborn's nose is one of the most important hygiene procedures. Do it daily to keep your baby healthy at all times. If nothing bothers him, rinse the baby's nose at least once a day. It is best to do this immediately after awakening.
Step 2
Before proceeding with hygiene procedures, wash your hands with soap and water. Take some cotton wool and twist several cone-shaped soft sticks, called turundas, from it. To make the turundas curl easier, you can soak your fingers in oil and roll them on your palm.
Step 3
Treat the baby's nose with turundas dipped in boiled water or vegetable oil. If dry crusts appear in the baby's nose, first soften them with certain medications. The most popular are such products as "Salin", "Aquamaris". They are normal saline, but they use sea salt, which is rich in iodine, in their production.
Step 4
You can also handle the baby's nose with a regular sodium hydrochloride solution, which is sold in any pharmacy in the form of ampoules. You can also prepare an analogue of the above drugs by dissolving half a teaspoon of table or sea salt in a glass of boiled water.
Step 5
Drop a few drops of the drug into each baby's nasal passage, wait a few minutes, and then treat the newborn's nose with turundas dipped in water or vegetable oil.
Step 6
If your baby has nasal discharge, be sure to see a pediatrician. As a rule, pediatricians advise in such cases to clear the nasal passages of mucus with an aspirator, and then drip a vasoconstrictor or anti-inflammatory drug into each nostril.
Step 7
For the prevention and treatment of colds, the doctor may prescribe such drops as "Grippferon", "Anaferon". When using these medicines, follow all the recommendations of specialists regarding their optimal dosage.