Each parent should know how it is possible to stop the onset of a runny nose in his child in accessible ways, if it is not complicated by other symptoms. But in any case, it is better to act in consultation with a pediatrician.

- - sea salt;
- - garlic;
- - vasoconstrictor drops;
- - balm "Golden Star".
Step 1
Hang the crushed garlic next to the baby's bed to stop or relieve a runny nose that has begun. To moisturize the mucous membrane and get rid of microbes, rinse your baby's nasal cavity: drip 2-3 drops of sea salt solution into each nostril (one teaspoon of salt per liter of boiled water). After instillation, the baby will remain unchanged, and the accumulated mucus will be easily removed.
Step 2
Use vasoconstrictor drops, but with caution. The drugs "Otrivin", "Navizin", "Naftizin" can be used, but not more often 2-3 times a day and no more than five days: they will reduce the swelling of the nasal mucosa, help the child fall asleep, and soothe him. The drug "Derinat" helps well with the onset of a cold, it has no contraindications for children. If there are signs of a bacterial infection, use Protalgol. Before instilling medicines, be sure to rinse the child's nose, remove the mucus, otherwise the drops will flow out.
Step 3
It is very important to provide your baby with plenty of fluids. Often with a runny nose, you have to breathe through the nose, with such breathing a lot of moisture is lost. And without moisture, mucus will not be removed, and along with it - an infection. Therefore, take care of the humid air in the room.
Step 4
Steam the baby's legs and arms overnight, pulling warm mittens and socks over them after that. To help your little one breathe better during sleep, lift the top of the bed (add another pillow). Inhalation helps a lot. Anoint the balm "Golden Star" on the seamy side (so that the ointment could not get on the mucous nose of the crumbs).