Ambition is the desire to achieve success, fame, and make a career. At first glance, there is nothing wrong with this endeavor. After all, it is precisely ambitious, purposeful people who are often the "driving force" of social and scientific and technological progress. In addition, the achieved success means material wealth, well-being, which is very important. However, ambition can have negative traits as well.

What's good about ambition
A person who decides to succeed must show hard work, perseverance, perseverance. And for this you need the ability to overcome laziness, give up many temptations, entertainment, focus all efforts on the main goal. This disciplines a person, develops willpower and determination in him.
Regardless of whether success is achieved or not, strong will and perseverance will always come in handy for a person in life.
In our time of tough competition, in order to get a good high-paying job, you need to show perseverance, the ability to "present yourself" from the best side, to interest a potential employer. That is, to be a careerist in a good sense of the word. It is much easier for an ambitious person to do this than for a modest quiet man. An ambitious person achieves more in life, he is confident in his abilities.
What are the negative sides of ambition
Studies conducted in a number of Western countries by sociologists and psychologists have shown that people who are ambitious are more likely to achieve success, earn more than people who do not set high goals for themselves, but also more often feel bad, experience psychological stress, get depressed. The desire to achieve success, by all means, often turns into problems in communicating with other people.
Ambitious people also often develop "excellent student's syndrome", which can lead to a constant fear of not being up to par, to make a mistake, and as a result - to increased irritability, nervousness.
Ambitiousness sometimes leads to a seemingly paradoxical phenomenon: a person who has achieved fame, who has made a career, is indifferent to his success, and sometimes even asks the question: “Why was this necessary? What was the effort for? " But this paradox is only apparent. The fact is that if the path to success was too long and difficult, a person may simply "burn out", feel morally devastated, tired. As a result, he will not be interested in doing his own business.
In addition, an excessive focus on achieving success can lead to the fact that a person does not have a family life, or relationships with friends and colleagues. Therefore, we must remember that everything is good in moderation. This universal rule applies to ambitious people as well.