Festive matinees are held in every kindergarten. Their approximate list is determined by the program according to which the preschool institution operates. Scripts are regularly published in collections, and you can find them on the Internet. But in any case, the music director has to either adapt the finished script, or write his own.

It is necessary
- - kindergarten upbringing program;
- - a collection of literary works corresponding to the age of children;
- - a computer with a text editor.
Step 1
The matinee program in kindergarten depends on the theme of the holiday. Preschool institutions celebrate the New Year, social and political holidays, and graduation. In some kindergartens, traditional folk and religious holidays are held - Easter, Christmas, Ivan Kupala's Day. They can take place both in the music or gymnasium, and on the street. On Victory Day, it can also be a celebration at the military memorial, if there is one nearby.
Step 2
Think about the form in which the matinee will take place. In addition to the traditional children's matinee, it can be a musical, a drama or puppet show, a literary or musical evening, a program with the participation of parents.
Step 3
The scenario of an ordinary kindergarten matinee can be conditionally divided into three parts. The first is an introduction, in which the children are told in an artistic form what kind of holiday they are celebrating. This part includes the words of the presenter, who greets the children and guests. He can read a small poem that talks about a celebration. Several poems, corresponding to the subject, are read by children. These verses should be short and should be distributed in advance. You can include one or two songs in the intro. At the New Year's party, the introductory part is looking at the Christmas tree, when the children dance around the forest beauty, and the teacher draws their attention to the toys. This part of the New Year's holiday usually ends with the performance of a song about a Christmas tree, in which Santa Claus is not yet mentioned.
Step 4
The main part includes performances of amateur performances. This fragment may start with a surprise - the appearance of a fairy-tale character. It also needs to be relevant to the topic. At the prom, it can be Dunno, Mary Poppins, Pinocchio with Malvina, Carlson. In a word, these should be characters whom children can teach something or who themselves can give some kind of lessons. On New Year's Eve, heroes of fairy tales come to children. It is necessary to take into account the fact that in the younger and nursery groups, the appearance of a negative hero is undesirable. Children may be afraid of him. Think about who you will bring to the kids and what this character will do. At a festivities, it can be Emelya, Ivanushka the Fool, Vasilisa the Beautiful, Alyonushka with Ivanushka. On March 8, the appearance of a fairy-tale hero is not necessary, it can just be a concert for mothers.
Step 5
Pick up amateur art numbers. They must correspond not only to the theme of the holiday, but also to the program according to which the kindergarten operates. For a list of recommended music and literature, see the section for each age group. Songs should be interspersed with dances, skits, poems and contests. Sports can be included in the scenario of a national or military holiday. Not only children, but also adults can take part in them. It's even better if the teams are mixed.
Step 6
Before the final part, the fairytale hero praises the children, says goodbye to them and disappears. On New Year's Eve, at this very moment, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden are giving gifts. The presenter and the children read several poems and sing the final song. You can end the celebration in different ways. The presenter can invite children and parents to a festive tea party in the group, if provided. Graduates are usually given gifts at the very end, and then everyone goes to be photographed with satchels and bouquets.
Step 7
Think over the design of the hall or area and briefly describe it. Make a list of what you need to prepare and conduct a matinee. It should include equipment, costumes, attributes for scenes and games. Decide who will be responsible for what. The lingerie maker is responsible for the costumes, the music director is responsible for the equipment and attributes. The manager can assign the decoration to the artist or one of the educators.
Step 8
Discuss the scenario no later than 2 months before the matinee. Assign a facilitator and decide who will fill the various roles.