It is not for nothing that oatmeal was named after the strong and brave hero Hercules. One of the main properties of this overly healthy dish is that it gives strength and energizes for a long time. It is also very rich in various vitamins and minerals. Herculean porridge is useful for both children and adults - it gives a feeling of fullness for a long time, but at the same time does not create heaviness in the stomach. With regular use, porridge improves digestion and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract in general, as well as the general condition of the body.

It is necessary
- - rolled oats - 1 glass
- - milk - 2 glasses
- - water - 1 glass
- - butter
- - salt
- - sugar
Step 1
Take the rolled oats and carefully sort them out - it is necessary to sift out particles of foreign debris, as well as the husk of the cereal.
Step 2
Pour water and milk into a saucepan. Milk need not be diluted with water - in this case, the porridge usually has a richer taste. Boil water and milk. Add salt and sugar to taste.
Step 3
As soon as the liquid in the saucepan starts to boil, add the grits and reduce the heat. Cook, stirring constantly, so that it does not burn.
Step 4
How long to cook oatmeal porridge - you can determine by eye - as soon as you see that all the liquid has evaporated, and the cereal has increased significantly in size and became thicker, it means that the porridge is almost ready. Usually, the cooking time for oatmeal porridge is 10-15 minutes. Transfer the porridge to a plate, which then cover with a lid or other plate.
Step 5
Let the porridge brew for 15 minutes. Then remove the lid, add a spoonful of butter and the porridge is ready!