Seeking love, people are ready to perform feats, make sacrifices and violate their own principles. Finding ways to the hearts of loved ones is an eternal problem and an eternal motive for love lyrics. But when the obstacles to mutual feelings are behind, and the desired and adored person is nearby, a new burning question arises: how not to destroy what you have been striving for for so long? How to maintain a relationship?

Step 1
We must not forget that in addition to sexual attraction, a strong and reliable love relationship also implies friendship between partners and mutual respect. “Soul attraction breeds friendship. The attraction of the mind breeds respect. The attraction of the body gives rise to passion and desire. The combination of three drives gives rise to love,”says the famous Kama Sutra, the most ancient Indian treatise on love. Respect and friendship between lovers, in turn, are based on elementary psychological categories: attention and understanding, respectively.
Step 2
Attention to your partner, your interest in his affairs and hobbies brings the relationship to a new level, following the "bed", and actualizes life together. It is important to make sure that the loved one does not feel forgotten, “abandoned”. However, you should not overdo it with attention: excessive curiosity, as a rule, does not lead to anything good. Total control over your partner, constant groundless suspicions of his infidelity testify to your mistrust in him, and mistrust can destroy any, even the strongest relationship. Do not doubt the honesty of a loved one: your doubts are a demonstration of disrespect towards him.
Step 3
An equally important element of love is understanding - a complex but necessary ability to put oneself in the shoes of another. Thinking about the reasons for the change in the mood of a loved one, the motives of his actions, you will gradually learn to understand him literally from a half-word. “Feeling” the states of a loved one, your empathy and sympathy for him in certain situations - this is what is called life “soul to soul”. You don't need any complicated psychological methods, sophisticated tricks and love spells in order to keep love. She will not leave you anywhere if you do not adhere to a selfish line of behavior and sincerely, faithfully, with a reasonable amount of dedication, love the one who occupies a key place in your life.