Marriage is the daily work of building relationships. The success of each marriage, as a rule, depends on the ability of at least one of the parties to get out of difficult family situations, while maintaining love and respect for each other.

Step 1
Love your spouse with a great deal of sincerity and devotion. Try to trust him, do not humiliate him with various interrogations, do not find fault with trifles. The man should feel that you trust him and hope for him. Confidence in feelings and actions will only cement your union.
Step 2
Create comfort in your home without sparing any effort. Your husband should see that you are always waiting for him, that he is loved and desired. At the same time, do not forget that he may want to be alone - this is a common occurrence for both men and women.
Step 3
Perceive your husband as he is, do not try to re-educate him. This will sooner or later cause resistance.
Step 4
Speak kind and affectionate words, despite even answering silence. Emphasize the good qualities of your spouse that you especially value: loyalty, reliability, loyalty, generosity, and so on.
Step 5
Do not forbid your husband to communicate with his friends. Both a man and a woman should have their own personal life even after marriage. You can't get hung up on home and family. If your husband goes on vacation with friends, you, too, provide yourself with leisure by spending time with your girlfriends.
Step 6
Don't force your spouse to do what you do. For example, being fashion conscious, dieting, shopping. But at the same time, do not interfere with him doing what he is interested in. Respect his habits.
Step 7
Try to be independent with your spouse, but only in moderation. A man should feel like a protector and support for you.
Step 8
Be sure to watch yourself. Getting married does not mean that you can now forget about your appearance and change into a robe.
Step 9
Never tell anyone about your relationship, especially intimate one. Upon learning of this, your spouse will feel insulted and humiliated.
Step 10
Even if you are absolutely sure of the invincibility of your family happiness, still make sure that you always remain a value for your husband. He should perceive you as a prize, as a gift of fate - and then everything will be great for you.