Anecdotes about scattered socks are ridiculous until the moment when the chosen one is not a slob. Apple cores, dirty cups and the constantly lost remote control are the reality that a newly-made beloved husband can surround. What to do if you don't have the strength to swear, but you want order and cleanliness in the house.

Lower the bar
Don't try to turn cleaning into general cleaning every day. Agree with your husband to set aside one day off of the week to do the cleaning together. If he gets into a habit, then there is a possibility that he will clean up after himself during the week, because the skills brought to automatism do not require attention.
Remember, having time to vacuum with one hand, wipe the dust with the other, and swing the bed with his foot, a man will not understand why he should get up from the couch and help. So you can do without it.
Turn to male rationalism
If there is a small child or animals in the house, the spouse should be explained what danger his forgetfulness is fraught with. For example, he left a plate with leftover food on the table. A cat or dog can easily get to it, drop it on the floor, as a result of which it breaks. If the baby begins to crawl, then he can crawl to the fragments and get hurt, or even worse, swallow them. Think about what habits of your spouse can be the most dangerous, both for the people and animals around you, and for furniture and equipment.
Most husbands think that their wives are just picking on and fail to see the connection between house mess and health problems.
Systems approach
If up to this point you have done everything yourself, then it is not surprising that a spouse who did not delve into where the pan should be and where the brush should lie, the request to “clean up after yourself” will be perceived vaguely. You just need to change the approach to storage, which will be understood by all family members. And don't make cleaning the main topic of marital conversations. Minimize conflicts on this issue so that the husband does not have a protest reaction - if I do everything badly, then why do something. On the contrary, praise if he expressed a desire to help and do not rush in cleaning, let him do it at his own pace. Over time, he will be able to vacuum faster, wash the dishes more thoroughly.
The husband turned out to be clean
During the next cleaning, you think how nice it would be if the spouse was clean. But imagine, come home from work and start washing vegetables, and he says: “Not so! You need to wash more thoroughly! Or put a clean plate on the table, and he takes it away and starts wiping it with a clean napkin. So, day after day.
Or another option. A clean husband loves order very much, but does not like to clean, he only gives instructions on where to wash and where to vacuum. And if he himself takes a mop in his hands, then the apartment begins to resemble an operating room, where there is no place for cute trinkets. In a couple of days, you will yearn for your slut husband.
The bottom line is the same - everywhere you need a border, and you shouldn't build a house cleaning into a cult. Is the fact of perfect cleanliness in the house more important than the fact that you have a beloved husband?