The fear of letting your baby go into a world full of dangers sometimes becomes panicky. The thought that strangers will not be able to take care of the crumb properly, literally deprives you of sleep. How can you not be afraid for your child's life every minute?

Step 1
Maybe the baby seems too weak and not independent to you? But you can't keep a child around you all your life. For a maturing person, the moment of socialization is very important. Communication with peers and getting used to the world around are necessary. Locking on your family, lack of life experience will turn into psychological trauma with severe consequences in the future.
Step 2
Try to take a sober look at your baby. Most likely, you are tormented by completely unfounded fears. The little man is smart enough and does not need constant monitoring. Of course, it is necessary to acquaint with the possible difficulties that can be expected on the street. For example, to warn against talking with strangers, to acquaint with the rules of the road.
Step 3
Take life more positively. A gloomy pessimistic view of the world outside the window will only increase the anxious mood. When you wake up in the morning, drive away negative thoughts. Think about what a wonderful day awaits you. Imagine how interesting you will spend with your child a joint evening with a fun game, family dinner. How many new questions the baby will ask you at the meeting.
Step 4
Try to write down your fears, note cases of concern for the crumb. As you review your notes, analyze how the alarming situation ended. You will soon see that most of the experiences were in vain, imposed by a rich imagination.
Step 5
Being a parent doesn’t mean giving up your desires completely, so take care of your own life. Sports activities, meeting with friends - the best way to deal with obsessive fears. Get used to parting with your baby easily, without emotional anguish and torment. Millions of children go to school every day, ride bicycles, and live their little joys. And each time they return home safe and sound.