When a child steals at a young age, this does not mean that he is a bad person, and in the future, stealing will become a part of his life. Indeed, behind such actions, problems of crumbs can be hidden. The main thing is to do the right thing in such a situation. Adequate criticism, which will direct the child on the right path, is an important factor in this matter.

Step 1
First of all, it is necessary to determine the reason for this behavior of the child, to understand what exactly prompted him to commit theft. You should not start a conversation with a direct question and demand clear explanations from the child. Very rarely will this be followed by a truthful answer. We must start the conversation softly, without shouting or threats. First, it is better to say that the child did not have this thing until now, and then ask whether he took it or not. It is necessary to find out where it happened and who was with the child at that time. Only then ask about his motives.
Step 2
In addition, you should not react sharply, go to raised tones. You should try to keep yourself calm.
In no case should a child be accused and, moreover, called a thief. Accusations and threats will lead to the fact that the child will be frightened, and, as a result, will want to hide the truth, will begin to deceive and hide in himself. This will negatively affect the suppression of theft.
Step 3
Further, it is necessary to calmly, clearly and clearly explain to the baby why it is impossible to steal, to say that it is bad and will not lead to anything good. From childhood, the child should be instilled with the concept of ownership, that other people's things belong to other people, without permission they cannot be taken.
Step 4
With older children, you can also talk about what such actions lead to. In particular, it is necessary to mention the loss of friends and the unwillingness to communicate with others.
Step 5
Conversations about honesty should not be sporadic; you should touch on this topic as often as possible.
It's nice to let the child feel the sensations of the person from whom it was stolen, after all. This can be done with a question, and a played situation works well for toddlers.
Step 6
Finally, you should make sure that the child understands the wrongness of his act and honestly repents of it. The kid must return the thing, as well as apologize. If the theft took place in a store, then it is better to first talk to the owner so that he will kindly react to the situation.