It will be a shock for any parent to discover that their baby is suffering from kleptomania. The question revolves in my head: "How could this have happened? What did I do wrong?" What to say? This is unpleasant, but there is still a way out!

Step 1
Probably, every parent is faced with a situation when his baby, without asking, took any thing that does not belong to him. At first glance, it seems that nothing terrible has happened, because the child simply did not know that this should not be done. However, very little time passed, and you began to understand that money was disappearing from the wallet, and some personal belongings from the guests' handbags. Of course, this can be shocking. most likely, this is exactly the reaction you will have when you become aware of what is happening.
However, in this situation, it is better not to fall into a trance, but to actively begin to act, because it is much easier to eradicate the problem at the very beginning than to try to help the child when everything is already running!
Step 2
It should be decided how long this has been happening. Has this happened before? Now realize for yourself the fact that the concept of "theft" is inapplicable to children in general for one simple reason: the child's fantasies and his real life are a single whole!
Sometimes babies themselves cannot understand that they are doing terrible things.
Step 3
The age of the child should be taken into account. For example, if he is only 5 years old or even less, then he simply will not be able to understand the difference between "mine" and "someone else's". For him, everything is in common, and therefore it seems that there is nothing wrong with taking the thing he likes!
However, over time, children begin to clearly understand what property is, which means that the corpus delicti becomes more difficult. Your main task is for the kid to understand that it is strictly forbidden to take other people's things without asking! First you need to ask the owner for permission! Nevertheless, do not forget about the existence of certain reasons why children appropriate something to themselves. For example, a child saw someone have a bright soft toy and he really liked it. And at that moment when everyone was distracted, he quietly took her to himself. It should be understood why he did this. Because he does not have his own toys or he deliberately wanted to steal it, and he got pleasure from the process? As a preventive measure, you can take your favorite thing from your baby so that he understands how the child feels, from whom he took the toy.
In addition, you need to force the child to return the stolen goods. Yes, he will be ashamed, he will cry, but this will be his punishment. We'll have to bear responsibility for what we have done!
Step 4
If you find out that your baby has stolen a thing in order to gain authority among his peers, it is worth explaining to him that this is not the best way. It should also be noted that such actions can destroy your own future and lose confidence. Ask if he wants everyone to call him "Thief" in the future?
If you understand that nothing is helping, do not hesitate to contact a psychologist or educational teacher. They will definitely tell you what to do. Professional recommendations have not bothered anyone yet.