Infants have an unstable immune system, so various substances from food and the environment provoke an allergic reaction. Allergy in infants most often manifests itself in the form of changes in the skin and mucous membranes.

Step 1
In a breastfed child, allergies can be caused by the substances that his mother eats. Therefore, breastfeeding women should not eat chocolate, red and orange fruits, nuts, shrimps, etc. Any complementary food can cause allergies, so it should be introduced gradually in order to track the body's response to this product. When an allergen from breast milk or complementary foods enters the intestines, it is absorbed into the bloodstream and spreads throughout the body.
Step 2
The skin is most sensitive to the allergen. In response to allergic substances, the skin becomes covered with a rash, which can appear all over the body or only in some places. More often, allergic rashes in a child appear on the cheeks, buttocks, legs and in places of natural folds - on the elbows, neck, groin. Rarely, allergic rashes appear in infants on the ears or palms. A differential distinguishing feature from prickly heat is the symmetry of the location of the allergic rash. With prickly heat, the side on which the baby slept is more often affected, or only the neck area.
Step 3
An allergic reaction can manifest itself as rashes of various sizes; in severe cases, the rash merges into large blisters. A small rash breaks quickly and the skin has a flaky appearance. With allergies, the skin becomes dry to the touch, inelastic. New rashes on such skin lead to microcracks, the epidermis is easily injured, and capillary blood appears when scratching. With a large drained rash, a "weeping surface" is sometimes observed. The healing process takes a long time and requires careful care.
Step 4
The content of the vesicles for allergic rashes is serous, i.e. transparent. With improper care or scratching of the skin, it is possible to attach an infection, for example, staphylococcus or streptococcus. In this case, the bubble liquid becomes cloudy, sometimes yellowish. With suppuration, the healing process is difficult.
Step 5
With a local rash, the affected area will be hyperemic, that is, the cheeks or buttocks will turn red. If the rash is spread all over the body, pimples with contents are observed, and a red halo around them. Allergic manifestations are always accompanied by itching, so the baby is naughty, does not sleep well.
Step 6
Often, allergies can be localized on the mucous membranes - the lips, lower eyelid are affected, in girls - the labia. An allergy manifests itself in these places with a small-point rash, which is accompanied by severe itching.
Step 7
Sometimes babies develop a contact allergy, which is characterized by the appearance of fine-grained rashes in places of contact with an irritant, for example, in the perineum - when using an unsuitable diaper. A rash may appear all over the body and after using a new baby soap, sometimes a certain composition of the clothing fabric does not suit the baby's skin.
Step 8
In cases where the allergen is not excluded from the care items, food of the baby or the nursing mother, the manifestations of the allergy become more pronounced and diffuse. If you exclude a food product containing allergic substances, you can try to introduce it again after a few months, when the baby's immune system gets stronger.