Strange SMS, calls from unknown people. Who is your husband talking to? If you decide to check your husband's phone, do it carefully so that he does not notice it, otherwise you cannot do without a quarrel.

Sometimes there are situations when a worm of distrust in a loved one climbs into the soul. The husband receives SMS, calls, starts hiding the phone or, in order to talk, goes to another room. Of course, these may be just friends or acquaintances, and he simply does not want you to hear what he is talking to them about, but there may be a rival. There are several ways to check your phone.
The first method is simple and trivial, but it involves the risk of being caught in the act. If the accused turns out to be innocent, then you are guaranteed a serious scandal. This method consists in tracking the object.
When the spouse loses vigilance and leaves the phone within reach, and he himself goes to the balcony to smoke or take a shower, you need to act quickly: pick up the phone and view messages and call history. If there is anything interesting there, you need to wait until the husband returns to the room and ask him a few questions. Then act according to the situation.
As you can imagine, the method is dangerous and involves some risk. You can act differently: put a "tail" on your husband and, if the suspicions are confirmed, then already armed with irrefutable evidence, proceed to the showdown.
Cyber Tracking
In our age of high technologies, running after a suspect or catching the moment when he leaves the phone in a conspicuous place is completely unnecessary. There are many programs freely available on the Internet that, after installing them on the phone, can give you a complete picture of calls and messages sent from the suspect's phone. After all, especially smart copies have a special SIM card, which is designed to make just such incriminating calls.
A special program will allow you to read messages and printouts of calls, even if the message has been deleted. Some of these programs are illegal. Well, you are not going to use them with malicious intent.
Another way to find out the correspondence or the content of calls is to contact your mobile operator. And it may happen that this correspondence or printout of calls will be provided to you.
In general, following and reading other people's letters is bad. There should be trust and understanding in the family. Consider if you need all of this. After all, if you read the message, misunderstand its contents and make a scandal, what then? A family can fall apart in a matter of days, or even hours. Trust your loved ones!