At the beginning of a relationship, actions that convey a guy's seriousness may not be entirely clear. In order to understand whether a man wants a serious relationship with a woman or is simply using her, one should observe his actions a little. At the same time, every woman must turn on the trick so that the guy does not suspect anything.

How a man behaves if he has serious intentions
To determine the seriousness of a guy's intentions, you need to observe whether he listens to your words. And here it is not necessary to possess the skills of oratory. If a man really wants a serious relationship, he will listen to the woman carefully. If a guy is distracted when talking with a girl, this indicates that he is clearly not in love.
It is also important to observe how your partner looks at the sight of unfamiliar women. As you know, loving eyes will not look around. A man who is serious about a relationship with a woman will not, with obvious lust and interest, stop looking at every pretty girl passing by him. And, naturally, he will not start bragging about his victories in the past and talking about a rich sexual experience.
If after meeting your partner a lot of time has passed, and he does not want to introduce the chosen one to parents and friends, you need to think about it. A man who truly loves will be proud of his own beloved, he will want to introduce her to his family and friends. If the guy is not ready to take such a step, most likely, he does not see a long-term relationship with the girl.
One of the proven methods of ascertaining the seriousness of a young person's intentions is to speak directly with him. But at the same time, it is important for a girl to be prepared for an unexpected response. It is worth asking a man what plans he is making for the near future, and whether there is love in this regard. If during such a conversation he does not say anything about his beloved, you can not count on a serious and long-term relationship.
Signs of a frivolous attitude in a man
The key sign of a guy's frivolity is his unwillingness to maintain communication about joint plans for life. Naturally, during the first date, there will be no conversation about this, but after a while the man should talk about the future and about a long-term relationship.
Seriously minded men will not postpone a meeting with their beloved for an incomprehensible or non-existent reason. If a guy really couldn't meet, he must have a good reason. Also, if he truly loves, he will give preference to meeting a girl, rather than friends.
The frivolity of the guy's intentions is also evidenced by unbridled compliments to the girl, hiding information about his personal life, various reasons to quickly retire, a little vulgar simplicity in conversation and an indifferent attitude to the partner's problems.