When detecting nail fungus in children, it must be remembered that only a qualified specialist can prescribe treatment. The disease detected at an early stage responds to therapy much better.

There are a large number of varieties of fungal diseases; only a dermatologist can determine which one a baby has by performing a scraping or sowing. Only after this procedure will the specialist be able to prescribe an effective treatment. Often it consists in the use of special ointments or creams, in some cases drugs for internal use are prescribed.
Means that have no contraindications in the form of childhood are: "Pimafucin", "Candide", "Kanesten", "Kanizon", "Kandizol" or "Candiderm". It is recommended to use them only after appointment by a specialist.
Fungus on the nails in children can appear even at a very early age. The disease is not as harmless as parents sometimes think. The presence of a fungal disease in a child can provoke an allergy, and this, along with the fact that the baby's immune system will begin to work hard. Very often, the fungus on the nails leads to delamination of the nail plate and subsequently to its falling off. When infected, bubbles, erosion, and in some cases even ulcers can be observed on the feet. The fungus spreads first on the nails, then between the fingers, and then gradually begins to be visualized on the entire foot. The affected skin begins to itch, redden, and gradually crack. The child feels a burning sensation in the legs and severe pain when walking.
Modern medicine for the elimination of the fungus offers tablets, ointments, special plasters, as well as various varnishes. The course of treatment usually lasts 2 to 4 months. In order to prevent infection with the fungus of the rest of the family, it is necessary to carefully disinfect the sick child's toys, dishes, bathtubs, clothes, and bed linen. The fungus is afraid of high temperatures. Therefore, things must be ironed without fail (especially socks). Traditional treatments can be combined with various folk remedies.
Fungus on the legs can also be a manifestation of a more serious disease in the body. For example, vitamin deficiency, vascular diseases of the legs, diabetes mellitus, metabolic disorders, flat feet, as well as immunodeficiency.
A child is not able to pass the fungus on his nails on his own, therefore, it is imperative to take care of his treatment. Particular attention should be paid to the presence of such a problem in young children and pregnant women who may be taking medications that are sometimes incompatible with medications for treating the fungus. In such cases, you can try using folk remedies.
One of the most effective folk methods for treating nail fungus in children is the use of a decoction of Veronica. To prepare the broth, take two stems of the plant, fill them with one liter of water and boil for 5-7 minutes. Then cool the broth a little and ask the child to immerse their feet in it for 20 minutes. Treat in this way every day for two weeks. If it is not possible to purchase the Veronica plant, you can use the milkweed herb. It should also be brewed and steamed with a decoction of the leg.
In addition, baths with the addition of sea salt effectively influence the solution of this problem. Add one teaspoon of sea salt to one liter of water. With this solution, you need to rinse your feet daily before bedtime. Repeat the procedures for two weeks.
You can also use ordinary vegetable oil. Lubricate the nail plates with it alternately, then the feet of the child's feet. Oil massage has a positive effect not only on the destruction of the fungus, but also on the organs, the acupuncture points of which are located on the feet.