Relationship issues have always been a stumbling block for psychologists and ordinary people, women and men, young and old. Questions of love and sympathy between guys and girls in general often turn into rhetorical ones. However, you can try to highlight the main features that attract male attention.

Although they are greeted by their clothes, it is still appropriate to start "debriefing" with spiritual beauty. And here it is worth noting that there are no clear definitions, everything is subjective. You can't say: "Be like this - everyone will like you." However, it is important to take into account some common human factors inherent in decent and pleasant people in communication. No girl will win a man's heart if she whines and demands. These are the main taboos. Agree, equally in friendship, love, or even a distant acquaintance, this should be avoided.
In addition, do not forget that guys (no less than girls) need tenderness, care and affection. Attention: lisping with a baby and tender care for the chosen one are two big differences. Why not praise (even for a trifle), why not seem surprised and delighted?
Equally important is the girl's ability to listen to a man, to delve into his interests, and ideally to share them. It is advisable to moderate your ardor and verbal flow, not to interrupt or compare. It is better to compete in achievements and give personal examples for each situation with friends.
Another enemy of girls in dealing with guys is women's nervousness, inconsistency and impressionability. Unjustified mood swings are what any young man is unlikely to understand and forgive. Not because the guys are so callous and stupid, but because it is beyond understanding, the structure of the psyche, etc. It remains to accept and still be more balanced. If something is wrong or you want something, it is better to say. Saying one thing and thinking another is a failure.
And, of course, common truths: guys like girls who know how to keep up a conversation, know how to cook and are loyal to their beloved. One loved one.
It's especially difficult to talk about appearance. However, based on various opinion polls, we can say that modern guys prefer dark-haired girls and redheads. Blondes, alas, are firmly the victims of stereotypes. Still, do not forget that the main thing is the ability to take care of yourself, have your own style and stay healthy. No matter how pretentious and mesmerizing the 20th century Mademoiselles with a cigarette and a glass may look, recent trends show that leading a healthy and active lifestyle is held in high esteem.
And yet, "someone else's soul is darkness." Who can say for sure what is good and what is bad?