There are many women who dream of becoming happy mothers of twins. There are many popular signs, theories and ways that promise to help you find the desired happiness and get pregnant with twins.

Step 1
There are many popular signs that promise the birth of twins. For example, the harbinger of twins is a dream about catching two large beautiful fish with one rod.
Step 2
There is a custom of "attracting twins." Buy two baby hats or two pairs of socks in advance. This will help visualize the dream and tune the body to the desired pregnancy.
Step 3
Perhaps the most famous harbinger of future pregnancy is adoption. The sign says - adopt someone else's child and soon your baby or the desired twins will appear.
Step 4
There is a theory that following a special diet can increase the chances of having twins. A few months before the planned conception, start taking folic acid and vitamins of group B. Vitamin B very actively affects the formation of a healthy endometrium in the uterine cavity, which increases the chances of two fertilized eggs in it to penetrate and develop correctly.
Step 5
Choose dairy products and foods that can stimulate the ovaries to release more than one egg during ovulation (yams). Yam contains a high concentration of a substance similar in its chemical composition to the female hormone estrogen, which can stimulate the production of other hormones - gonadotropins. Together, the action of these substances promotes the release of more than one egg from the ovary.
Step 6
It is believed that in order to increase the chances of conceiving girls, it is necessary to include honey and spices in the diet, and it is better to refuse salty ones. To conceive boys, you need to eat more nuts, meat and fish. Bad habits must be reduced to zero (smoking, drinking alcohol, fatty foods and fast food).
Step 7
There is a high probability of having twins in women with this hereditary predisposition (especially in the female line). If twins have already been born in the family (or close relatives), then the chances of becoming happy parents of two babies at once increase several times.
Step 8
There is a medical method in which the likelihood of multiple pregnancies is higher. It consists in stimulating ovulation with special drugs in the treatment of infertility in women. The body "wakes up", as it were, and produces several eggs at once. Remember that such a procedure is carried out strictly under the supervision of the attending physician, otherwise you can cause irreparable harm to the body.
Step 9
Quite often, twins and twins are born to couples who have been treated for infertility using IVF. In this procedure, in addition to prescribing stimulants, several fertilized eggs are injected into the uterus.