When it comes time to wean a baby, any mother looks for ways to do it painlessly. It is possible to wean a child from breastfeeding without psychological trauma for a child in a fairly short period. Of course, there is no definite answer whether to do it gradually or to stop breastfeeding at one point.

Experts do not recommend weaning the baby from the breast in the first six months or a year of life. It is during this period that the formation of the immune system occurs. But in the future - this is the personal choice of the mother. In this case, you should not listen to the advice of friends, relatives and acquaintances. The issue should be resolved independently. Also, do not stop feeding if:
- the baby is prone to an allergic reaction;
- the child is sick or teething;
- a nursing mother is feeling unwell;
- for the baby, the living environment has changed (arrival in someone else's apartment or in the house there are people unfamiliar to the baby).
Weaning a baby off breastfeeding is not easy. The baby does not always ask for a breast in order to get enough. Often this is just an excuse to be with your mother. It sometimes calms down when you are anxious.
It is rare for a child to refuse to breastfeed, but this also happens. The first step in weaning is to feed your baby. By getting more food, he will stay full longer. It is especially advisable to do this before breastfeeding. Having fed up with "adult" food, the baby, quite possibly, over time will not need breastfeeding. You can leave breastfeeding only for the evening, gradually reducing it. But in this case, you need to pay attention and care even more so that the baby feels connected.
Many moms use the "disgust method." Before feeding, in order to wean the baby, mothers lubricate the nipple with lemon juice. The sour taste is not entirely pleasant to the baby, so he refuses such food. But you should not resort to mustard or pepper, irritation of the baby's oral mucosa is not an entirely acceptable way to wean.
Also, one of the most effective methods is bottle training. To do this, you need to gradually give milk, cereals and juices in a bottle. The baby will get used to it and is unlikely to want mom's breast.
If the child sleeps next to each other at night, it is very important to lay a pillow or blanket between him and his mother. The closeness will not be so noticeable to the baby, because he reacts so sharply to the smell of milk. At this time, it is very important to pay attention to clothing. It should be tight, in no case should you take the baby if the breast is bare.
During weaning, the help of the baby's dad or one of the relatives may be needed. After feeding the child, you can play with him, read fairy tales. Most likely, away from mom, he will be forgotten. Thus, weaning a baby from breastfeeding in a fairly short period of time is a very real task. And the smell of mom will not be so attractive. Dad can put the baby to bed every day, then it will become the norm and the child will stop being capricious, asking for breast.
Particular attention should be paid to the moments when he asks for comfort in his mother's chest. This happens when the baby has fallen, hurt himself or is dissatisfied with something. You can distract him - take him on the handles, go to the window and tell the story of how the sun goes to sleep. The child will completely switch his attention to another object.
Gradually accustoming yourself to cups when feeding, to a spoon, you can count on the fact that very soon the sucking reflex will disappear.
Do not be afraid that at the moment when the mother tries to wean the baby from breastfeeding, their close relationship will be interrupted. The main thing for every baby is care and affection.