If a woman has no problems with lactation, breastfeeding causes positive emotions in both the baby and the mother. But there comes a time when the question arises: Isn't it time to stop breastfeeding.

Step 1
Age 0-6 months. During this period, a young mother needs to try to do everything to maintain breastfeeding. Right now, there are antibodies in milk that protect the child from viruses and bacteria. It is worth remembering that no modern milk formula has come close to breast milk. Mothers who had to resort to artificial feeding are more likely to experience allergic reactions and tummy problems. In addition, calcium and iron from breast milk is absorbed much better.
Step 2
Age 6-12 months. Now, breastfeeding is not only about getting nutrients, but also about communication, maintaining a very close relationship. Antibodies disappear during this period, and it makes no sense to use milk as a medicine for everything. Since the baby after six months begins to receive complementary foods from vegetables, fruits, kefir, and later from prepared meat, minerals and vitamins, he has enough. But the surprising fact is that they are all better absorbed with combined feeding. In addition, the presence of breast milk makes life much easier for the mother, because during this period the first teeth erupt in babies, which is often painful. Regular breastfeeding, including at night, can help calm the baby. Pediatricians recommend maintaining breastfeeding during this period.
Step 3
12-18 months. At this age, the baby begins to break away from his mother, but it is important for him to know that he can always return. Breastfeeding during this period can be attributed more to communication, a special relationship between mother and child, than to eating. Since almost all children eat up to one and a half years at night, it makes sense to keep breastfeeding while sleeping, if it does not harm the health of the mother, because this is a serious load on the woman's body.
Step 4
After 18 months. Whether or not to breastfeed your baby after a year and a half is a woman's own business. If it pleases the child and the mother, why not continue. You should not listen to those who say that it is useless, because this is additional time when you can look into each other's eyes. It is believed that children who have been breastfed for a long time have a special emotional connection with their mother. However, most of the women who have fed the child up to one and a half years, it is during this period that they think about stopping. This should be done so as not to injure yourself or the child. Fortunately, after a year and a half, most children can already be explained simple things, in addition, by this age they understand that there are goodies that are not related to their mother.