Breastfeeding And Potential Difficulties

Breastfeeding And Potential Difficulties
Breastfeeding And Potential Difficulties

After reading the title, many will think what other difficulties may arise, what could be more natural? Unfortunately, not everyone goes through this period as they would like. It happens that, for some reason, milk did not arrive in such quantities that the child would gain the required grams per month. Mom starts to panic, especially if there is an example of a more well-fed baby in front of her eyes.

Breastfeeding and Potential Difficulties
Breastfeeding and Potential Difficulties

You should not immediately panic and transfer the baby to the mixture. First you need to understand the reason and try to eliminate it. Only a very small percentage of women on earth cannot feed their baby, and the rest just need to make a little effort. After all, no mixture can replace mother's milk, which is created specifically for her own little man, as scientists have found out, each milk is unique.

Possible common mistakes:

  • Improper attachment of the baby to the breast. Mom should pay attention that her mouth is wide open and the lips are turned out, and not pulled into her mouth.
  • It happens if from the very beginning the baby is given a pacifier, then he satisfies his sucking reflex with its help.
  • Or, if the birth was difficult, the mother was separated from the baby for a long time.
  • Many give up and think that it will be impossible to feed them. Begin to introduce complementary foods. Breasts are given less and less, and milk becomes less and less.

Although, in fact, everything is fixable. You need to remove the pacifier, read or look on the Internet for articles on correct attachment to the breast. And of course, spend more time with your baby, breastfeeding as often as possible. Soon, milk will arrive in the amount necessary for the child and the necessary weight will be gained. If you suspect that your baby is malnourished and hungry, do a wet diaper test. Take off the diaper and count how many times the baby pees a day, if there is enough milk, it must be at least 10 times.

Why are there such difficulties when the store shelves are crammed with mixtures of different manufacturers? Up to three months, the baby's ventricle does not work at full strength and any even expensive mixture can cause allergies. Also, only mother's milk contains all the vitamins a child needs for full growth. During colic or teething, the baby calms down more easily and falls asleep on the chest.
