Sexual Life: If You Can't Have Sex

Sexual Life: If You Can't Have Sex
Sexual Life: If You Can't Have Sex

Sexual life is an important and integral part of any love relationship. A healthy and happy marriage is hardly possible without her. Problems arising in this area lead to discord in the family, create difficulties and difficulties for partners.

Sexual life: if you can't have sex
Sexual life: if you can't have sex

Sometimes the lack of sex between partners can be explained by objective reasons. For example, when both are very tired at work or when there is a small child in the house who does not allow sleep at night.

But if the situation is favorable, and sex is still a problem, it's time to look for the cause and eliminate it.

Difficulties with intimacy in people can be in the event that there are no feelings or emotions for each other. This moment plays an important role in a relationship. And it often becomes the first signal of an impending rupture.

Another reason for problems with sex can be a large difference in the anatomical parameters of a man and a woman.

If the partner has too large a penis, and the partner does not have a long vagina, she may experience pain during intercourse.

Despite the fact that people now live in a period of free access to almost any information, sometimes there are those who know little about the peculiarities and intricacies of lovemaking. For example, the lack of knowledge about erogenous zones, about the need to caress a woman for a long time to bring her to orgasm - all this can create serious problems in the process of having sex.

Sometimes a common reluctance to intimacy can be a reason for refusing to make love. In women, this can be associated with premenstrual syndrome, with various hormonal fluctuations. In men, with fatigue after a hard day's work, with depression, etc.

One of the most important causes of problems with lovemaking is sexual dysfunctions. As a rule, both partners try to keep silent about certain difficulties of this kind. In women, it can be lack of orgasm, in men - problems with erection.

In the event of such difficulties, the partner will avoid intimacy in all possible ways. Or, conversely, make attempts to restore sexual contact, which will fail over and over again. And in fact, and in another case, the result can be a prolonged depression.

Fortunately, erectile dysfunction has been treated very successfully with modern drugs. But with female sexual problems, things are a little more complicated.

Achieving the peak of a woman's pleasure depends on a huge number of reasons, and the psychological one is the main one. Any disagreement with your partner, dissatisfaction with yourself or lack of confidence in your attractiveness can all lead to difficulty with orgasm. And then with sex itself.

If sexual problems are not resolved on their own, you should definitely seek help from a qualified specialist.

In the case when, it would seem, all medical problems have already been resolved, and difficulties still arise with proximity, it is necessary to pay attention to the psychological aspect. Perhaps the partners are too accustomed to each other, they need a spark, revitalization of feelings. In this case, excellent solutions would be: a vacation in a hot southern country, experiments in a sexual relationship (role-playing games, new positions, unexpected places), a heart-to-heart talk about what worries, what does not work out, what we would like.
