Streltsov, according to a number of astrologers, may well be considered the brightest representatives of the zodiacal element of fire, because they radiate energy, distinguished by a rare love of life and optimism. However, these minions of fate sometimes wonder which stone will help them become even luckier and more successful.

Step 1
Using combinations of minerals and metals, Sagittarius can not only learn to control their own mood, but also significantly increase their influence on others or on the outcome of a particular situation. Usually, representatives of this sign are advised to opt for the following stones: amethyst, opal, sapphire, chrysolite, ruby, topaz, garnet, emerald, agate or turquoise.
Step 2
Despite their love of life and sociability, sometimes Sagittarius can experience communication problems. This is especially true of Sagittarius women, who are sometimes unable to keep in touch with colleagues who were born, in particular, under the signs of water or earth (Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Virgo, etc.). Therefore, experts, taking into account this feature of them, recommend choosing stones that can become love talismans and help establish social ties. These are, for example, opals and garnets.
Step 3
There are known stones that are categorically contraindicated for representatives of this fire sign. According to some experts, the consequences can be completely unpredictable - from failures on the personal front to problems in career advancement, which for many Sagittarius is an important attribute of the awareness of their success. It is also important to observe the so-called "seasonality" - if difficult moments of life occur during the cold season, it is better to use the brightest stones of fiery shades. And vice versa, if it is a hot summer outside, it is more correct to wear jewelry of “cold” colors of dark or muted tones.
Step 4
Among the minerals that Sagittarius should not wear at all, since they suppress their energy and enhance negative qualities, one can note aquamarine, moonstone, carnelian and jade. It is better to avoid jewelry that includes orange agates, serpentines, chrysolites or rhodonites - the influence can be very unfavorable. It is believed that black opals, dark sapphires and yellow topaz are also considered unsuitable for those born under the sign of Sagittarius.
Step 5
Despite the abundance of general recommendations, when choosing a stone, it is necessary to be guided only by what changes a particular person expects. It is known, for example, that pomegranate, which is considered the main one for Sagittarius, is not suitable for all representatives of this zodiacal sign. There is an opinion that it should only be worn by people who have reached adulthood and have already decided on the choice of their second half. Otherwise, Sagittarius may experience the so-called "fatal passion", the object of which will be a completely random person … A bright red ruby should not be worn by people with an unstable or weak psyche, as well as immediately after severe stress - the influence of this stone, which has a powerful energy, can lead a person to a nervous breakdown or psycho-emotional disorder.