Brunettes, depending on when they were born and what color type they belong to, are completely different stones. They can not only decorate the image, but also bring something positive into the life of their mistress.

Correctly selected jewelry and jewelry can turn even the most ordinary business suit into stylish and fashionable clothes. It is important not only to choose the right earrings or rings, but also the stones that will be in them. And for brunettes, there are several win-win options.
Warm brunettes and their stones
Who are called warm brunettes? Those who have reddish hair, copper or juicy chestnut. It is easiest for such girls to choose stones that will make their image even brighter and more stylish. For example, rubies or imitation for them. These red stones accentuate the look nicely. Not to mention that they give their owner self-confidence. But stones with blue shades should be avoided, since they will add the n-th number of years to the girl. And not everyone wants to look older than their age.

Cold brunettes and their stones
Girls with rich dark hair are of the cold type. And completely different stones suit them. For example, turquoise. It favorably sets off the hair, gives the owner aristocracy and charisma. Decorations with artificial stones in blue and green shades are also suitable. They emphasize not only the individuality of the girl, but also perfectly complement any image.

Stones for good luck

In addition to the right jewelry, brunettes should also choose the right mascot stones. So, for example, girls born in winter should get aquamarine. It will not only bring good luck, but also save you from the evil eye, protect you from losses and troubles.
Brunettes who were born in the summer should pay attention to coral. It has a rich color that protects the hostess from the evil eye. A distinctive ability of such a talisman for brunettes is to bring romance and love into life. It is also noteworthy that the stone protects from unwanted acquaintances, and people in life.
Autumn brunettes can protect themselves with onyx from troubles and misfortunes. The stone not only wards off troubles, but also attracts luck, turns Fortuna towards the owner of the talisman.
Spring brunettes should buy lapis lazuli as a protector stone. Its main task is to protect the hostess from rash acts and risks. In addition to this, the amulet brings luck and good fortune to life.
Each of the talismans can be worn not only as a decoration, but also as a fashion accessory. For example, as a key chain or a pendant for a gadget. Brunettes can afford to wear any piece of jewelry with a suitable stone, observing all the canons of fashion in this regard. For example, to wear only two pieces of jewelry from a large set (earrings + ring, pendant + bracelet), and not all at once.