The size of the male penis is a topic around which there are many rumors, myths and various legends. This moment is very important for men, and it is believed, although it is not known for certain, for women too.

What sizes are considered normal
According to numerous studies around the world, the normal (average) length of the penis can be considered 15 cm in an erect state. At the same time, each nation and country has its own statistics, and the data for all of them are somewhat different. In practice, this means that the optimal size of the penis is from 9-10 cm and more.
There is a widespread misconception that women certainly need a man with a huge penis, at least 18, but better than 21 cm. At the same time, they forget that the vagina also has its own dimensions, and they are not at all gigantic for most of the fair half of humanity.
Nature has foreseen everything so that people with average sizes of genitals suit each other perfectly.
In fact, the parameters by which the penis can be judged in terms of the best interaction with the female genital organs are much more than just size. To begin with, thickness is also important. Also important is the normal angle of inclination and the shape of the penis (it may be somewhat curved).
Similar "characteristics" are present in the female vagina. It turns out that there are too many factors by which a man and a woman should "coincide"? How, with so many variations in the structure of the genitals, people generally find each other and enjoy sex?
The fact is that the female vagina does not have a completely constant shape. When excited, blood rushes to it, making the walls thinner and more elastic. The vagina is capable of stretching to accommodate even a fairly large penis. But if the woman is not aroused enough, this does not happen. In addition, it happens that a man hits the cervix with his dignity, which causes pain. But this does not happen so often, which is why partners usually do not feel problems with the coincidence of sizes.
It is believed that women who have given birth need men with a large penis, since the vagina is stretched. But this is not the case, the vagina quickly regains its original size.
Too large a penis can be inconvenient, since a partner in this situation is not able to withstand all positions in which deep penetration is present. Also, with a large dick, it will be much more difficult to achieve a girl's consent for anal sex.
Despite the fact that women often publicly declare that the main thing is technical techniques, and not size, nevertheless, in anonymous polls, a considerable part of them confirm that penis size still matters. However, much of these claims are based on the same rumors and myths. Sexologists unanimously argue that priority is given to the talent of use and the correct choice of positions to most effectively stimulate the erogenous zones of both partners.