The size of a man's penis is a delicate topic, for men it can even be painful, especially if he believes that his penis is insufficient in size. And if a man also had a sexual fiasco with an unsuitable partner, then a serious inferiority complex may develop, up to impotence. It is worth figuring out how important the size of a man's penis is for a woman.

There is a widespread opinion, moreover, a purely masculine opinion: a man's large penis is a guarantee of his sexual attractiveness in the eyes of any woman. Apparently, in the subconscious of men, the genetic memory of the ancient cults of giant phalluses is alive. And now this myth is "successfully" reinforced by pornographic videos with male actors, most of whom are endowed with impressive genitals, and women, who are instantly delighted with just one type of these virtues.
Although the female genital tract can be greatly stretched (nature provides for childbirth!), Not all women need a significant penis to obtain sexual satisfaction. Moreover, a large penis, if used awkwardly, can cause a woman inconvenience, pain, or even tears. Some types of sex (for example, riding position or anal sex), due to the large size of the penis, may be simply unacceptable for a woman. Large male dignity is not the main condition for harmonious sex, especially if a man does not care too much about his partner's comfort and pleasure.
What is really important for the vast majority of women is not the size of a man's penis, but how his owner behaves in bed. Suppose a man really has a modest penis. But if he is attentive and gentle to his partner, he will be able to give her maximum pleasure with the help of a variety of sex techniques. It can be caressing with hands, lips, tongue, fingers and even feet, using all kinds of sexual toys. And most importantly - be sure to tell a woman how desirable, sexy, loved, beautiful, delightful she is, how she drives you crazy … Whatever one may say - a woman loves with her ears. And the obscene tenderness that you whisper in her ear during a love game, she will remember for a long time.
There is a humorous, but very apt expression: "The dignity of a man is equal to the width of a woman's smile after sex, and not to what you have measured yourself with a ruler." If men understand that for women the size of the penis is far from the most important criterion of its sexuality, there will certainly be fewer notorious men and women deprived of love, and there will be more happy and harmonious couples.