The patriarchal system of values, the system of legislation, and cultural attitudes require men to conform to the prevailing stereotypes. Showing emotions, asking for help, caring for oneself are considered signs of weakness and are frowned upon. But if you understand the canons of feminism, it may turn out that for men it is beneficial.

What is feminism
The spectrum of ideologies, political and social movements aimed at achieving equality of political, economic, personal and social rights for women is called feminism.
It is aimed at eliminating the systems of oppression that cause inequality to flourish. And the fact that feminists hate men is the most common myth. They stand for freedom and equality regardless of gender or race.
Feminists propose to behave in the same way with everyone, to bring up girls and boys equal from childhood.
Feminism proposes to abandon social stereotypes and recognize the equality and diversity of manifestations of femininity and masculinity.
Pros of feminism for men
Plus the first: equal pay. According to Natalya Pochinok, chairman of the Commission of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation on social policy, labor relations, interaction with trade unions and support of veterans, women's salaries are one third lower than the salaries of men in the same position. Men should not worry about the lower wages of women. Indeed, if it is necessary to pay equally, both employees will be paid the arithmetic average amount. And the amount of money a man receives will decrease. That is, for an individual man, equal pay is unprofitable. But for the family budget, equal pay is a blessing. It also increases the woman's self-esteem, as well as her value as a specialist. For a loving man, these factors are important.
Plus the second: fair distribution of domestic work.
This item is also beneficial for men who love their wives and care about the future of their daughters. According to statistics, two thirds of domestic work is done by women. The fair distribution of household responsibilities strengthens the family, allows a man to show concern for a woman.
Plus the third: an effective system of protection against violence.
90% of domestic violence cases involve women. The remaining 10% are men. But they practically do not apply for help to the police and the court. consider the facts of violence shameful. Feminists advocating for equal rights for all demand protection from domestic violence for men as well.
Feminists propose introducing a system that protects all victims of violence, regardless of age and gender. It is proposed to criminalize the crime, make the accusation public, and introduce protective orders for the victims.
Plus the fourth: honest sharing of responsibilities for childcare.
Due to the traditionally higher wages of men, only a few go on maternity leave. Usually the family prefers to sacrifice the wife's lower salary and send her on maternity leave. Yes, and working 8 hours a day at the workplace, among people, is preferable for a man than to close himself in four walls with a small child.
Feminists propose to split maternity leave in half. And all other responsibilities should also be divided equally. The benefit for men is the increased amount of time spent with the child. Their relationship is improving, the children feel paternal care. The upbringing, social adaptability and confidence of children to whom dads devoted a lot of time are higher than those of children deprived of such an opportunity.
Plus the fifth: the ability to openly express emotions. There are no less emotional people among men than among women. But the open expression of emotions by men is not accepted. Feminists propose to equalize the expression of emotions and creativity of men and women.
Plus the sixth, most important: a man in the feminist picture of the world is not expected to solve all problems and pay all bills. All difficulties are supposed to be overcome together. There are a large number of men for whom the very fact of psychological support and the presence of a friendly shoulder nearby is very important. Feminists propose to be open about this. Requirements for a man are formulated rationally, openly and are subject to discussion. Moreover, unbearable stress is one of the main causes of male mortality.
Do men need feminism
Feminism is a social movement. For men, it has a lot of advantages. This is especially true for those who care about their close women.
Equality in society is possible with a high level of culture, striving for humanistic ideals.
But not all men can accept feminism, since they are deprived of many family and social privileges. Only strong-minded representatives of the strong half of humanity can decide on this.