Many women have been aware of the crisis for 30 years, but for the time being they believe that this topic will not affect them. Alas, this crisis overtakes almost all the fair sex, it is characteristic of 80% of women in developed countries. However, with the right approach, you can get out of it refreshed, in addition to being able to benefit from it.

Crisis 30 years in women, its symptoms
It is generally accepted that having celebrated her 30th birthday, a woman enters the Balzac age, and she experiences a certain anxiety and anxiety even before the onset of this age. You can tell if there is a crisis by observing your thoughts, behavior, and communication. In order not to torment yourself and calmly relate to the changes that have occurred, you need to learn to recognize the symptoms of a crisis:
- Usually women do not hide their age up to 25 years. If there is an idea to hide the age, there is a crisis.
- Regret for what has not been done, the constant comparison of oneself with supposedly more successful peers.
- Dissatisfaction with their appearance, reflection in the mirror and photographs.
- At the age of 28-32, a woman is often overwhelmed by thoughts of changing her profession, lack of financial resources.
- Despondency and stress, refusal to communicate with friends, switching to home watching TV shows with the absorption of food in front of the TV.
- If you want to combine several things at once (work, household chores and study), excessive fatigue rolls over, symptoms of various diseases begin to appear.
- An indirect sign of a crisis is sleep disturbance, insomnia, nightmares.
- Thoughts about old age, about the “end of youth”. Birthday is no longer a holiday, its approach is perceived with fear.
- Thoughts appear about moving to another city, divorce from her husband, while these are not caused by an objective need.
- Disappointment in relatives, friends and colleagues, their shortcomings begin to be noticed, which threatens the rupture of normal relations.
These symptoms can overtake you, even if from the outside you look quite well - you have a family, a home, job prospects, but all this is accompanied by discomfort and the need for change.
Causes of the crisis 30 years
This period can last from a month to several years. Moreover, the reasons that caused the crisis in women differ from those in men. The main factors include:
- Realizing that she was married to the wrong person.
- An overdue conflict with a mother-in-law or mother.
- The desire to have a child when it is impossible to become pregnant.
- Girls who have not created a family by the age of 30, self-esteem falls, depression and uncertainty about the future develop.
- The appearance of the first signs of aging - cellulite, expression lines, sagging skin, especially after several births.
Dissatisfaction with career growth.
Image - Comparison with more successful classmates.
It is impossible to protect yourself from these factors, they all arise unexpectedly. By the age of 30, a woman has neither time nor energy left for many things, a reassessment of life priorities takes place, which ultimately forms a crisis.
How to cope with a difficult period and benefit from it
It is widely believed that the love and participation of loved ones will help to cope with the crisis. This is true, but sometimes the opinion of strangers matters more than those of loved ones.
In any case, you have to overcome the crisis on your own. why listen to the following tips:
- Change priorities, reconsider life principles
- Relieve yourself of some of the responsibility, shift it to others.
- Get distracted by a new hobby, remember a long-forgotten one.
Spend time with family and friends, not necessarily tying the meeting to any holiday or event.
Image - Do not compare yourself to users of social networks - no one writes about their failures, but they can embellish the achievements.
- If the relationship with your husband is tense, there is a chance to renew them (with a romantic dinner in a restaurant, a change of image), again feel attractive and desirable, but you should not save a failed marriage just so that the children have a father by their side. Such a relationship will lead you to neurosis and depression, and will not bring happiness to children.
- Of course, you should pay attention to your body - if diets don't help, start counting calories, buy a subscription to a fitness center or gym, and get addicted to jogging in the morning or after work.
- Traveling alone or collectively will bring great satisfaction at the age of 30.
- Erase everything negative from your memory, remember only the positive, copy photos that are pleasant for you to your smartphone and look at them more often.
- Get in the habit of writing down wise thoughts that come to mind, ponder them at your leisure.
Depression should be fought from the very beginning of its appearance, which will not allow this period to drag on for a long time. It may be helpful to see a specialist. In no case should you prescribe antidepressants and sedatives on your own, if necessary, only a doctor can do this.
It should not be forgotten that the crisis should become another step in the development of the individual. 30 years is a great time to start a new life. You can start a family, if it is not there, get a job you love, take up your figure. The most fruitful decision during a crisis is to objectively evaluate every aspect of life (family, work, friends, hobbies, appearance) and act on this basis.