Gemini women are easy-going, original, a little windy and frivolous and at the same time simply charming. Holding such a woman is like holding the wind. However, if you succeed, be sure: your chosen one will try to make you truly happy, and she will certainly succeed in this.

Step 1
Don't let your sweetheart get bored! Gemini always strive for something new, interesting, original. Boredom and banality are not for representatives of this sign: if you prefer stability and are not able to at least occasionally surprise your lady, she is unlikely to want to be with you. And if he wants, he will probably try to find adventure and new sensations on the side, without you.
Step 2
Be sociable and easy-going. The fast-paced lifestyle of the Gemini woman needs to be matched. Learn to hold a conversation, joke, broaden your horizons and don't miss out on opportunities to flaunt your knowledge or great sense of humor. A Gemini woman is unlikely to like a man who, both in a friendly company and at a party, prefers to hide in a corner and be silent.
Step 3
Become everything for your beloved: her friend, lover, lover, teacher, student, helper, support in life. You must try to become a whole world for her, to get closer to her imaginary ideal. By the way, special attention should be paid to this ideal image: every woman has her own, and there are no universal tips on how to become an ideal man. Just try to find out how her lover should be, and then become him.
Step 4
Be a gentleman and a knight all rolled into one. The Gemini woman is quite able to fend for herself, but she will gladly pretend to be a fragile girl who needs the help of a brave and strong man. This applies not only to such extreme situations when it is necessary to protect the health or even the life of a woman, but also to various little things. Give your beloved a hand, help her put on a fur coat or coat, gently support her arm on walks, pull up a chair for her. Be moderately gallant and caring: Gemini women know how to appreciate such qualities in men.