Sometimes a woman has a hard time, because with all the vanity of our being, she still needs to remain feminine, beautiful, sensitive and touching. Your intuition has repeatedly told you how to be affectionate and gentle in difficult life conditions. But a few tips will come in handy.

Step 1
Allow yourself (even force yourself) to relax with your man and forget about all the problems. You should feel under the wing. Be sure to ask his advice, ask for help. If you don't have a man yet, seek protection from your father, brother, friend. A woman should feel "behind a stone wall" at least from time to time.
Step 2
Wear skirts and dresses. Wear makeup, but don't overdo it. No need for long red nails - this is a sign of aggression, which cannot be combined with affection and tenderness. Wear feminine haircuts. It doesn't have to be shoulder-length curls, but there should be some flirtation in your hairstyle.
Step 3
Monitor your speech. Eliminate harsh language. Soften the timbre of the voice, remove the command notes. Imagine that you are talking to your little child.
Step 4
Do not engage in heavy physical labor, if possible. Take care of the woman in yourself. Get your man to carry heavy bags from the store. If there is no one to help, then it is better to go to the store several times and bring a few small bags.
Step 5
Remember often that you are a woman. Every time you go to the mirror, note it and praise yourself for it. After all, being a woman is wonderful and worthy of respect.