A person who loves himself more than the rest of the world can hardly be called nice. An affectionate and gentle woman is not made by the struggle with her passions, but sincere love for people and care for them.

Step 1
Stop raising your voice. Don't shout for understanding when your opponent is around. Do not raise your voice either to children or to your beloved man. Children will withdraw, and a man will stop loving. Even friends won't understand. No one has yet been able to defeat anyone with high decibels (except for the nightingale the robber). The scream convinces others only of your helplessness and inadequacy. Look at yourself in the mirror as you foaming at the mouth prove your case. The eyes are bulging, the cheeks and forehead are red, the veins in the neck are swollen. Ugh!
Step 2
Listen more than talk. And don't just listen to the interlocutor, but put yourself in his place, empathize. This will be reflected in the expression on your face and suggest the right quiet words of sympathy. More often than not, a person needs just this kind of support. Your half expects exactly this behavior from you.
Step 3
Change your behavior and habits. It is difficult to call a woman sweet and gentle if she smokes, drinks beer from a bottle and swears. Stop spitting and throwing things. You can be sweet and gentle in your soul, but wear the mask of a savage and vulgar brawler. Take off this mask and put on another one! In Japan, they are sure that the mask on the face grows into the soul over time. If you hold your face for a long time with a gentle and sweet expression, then something will eventually fall inward. People around you, having got used to you smiling, caring and affectionate, simply will not let your negative feelings escape. You will actually become like that.
Step 4
If, as at all times, you are greeted by your clothes, change your clothes. Change your image. Repaint the purple mohawk, remove the leather jacket and remove the piercing from the tongue. Try going out in a cream lace blouse or an elegant classic dress. Now braids and natural makeup are very fashionable. Why don't you try your hand at this style? Your beloved will love a chintz sundress with a neckline and naive ruffles.
Step 5
Do not argue with everyone and for any reason. Remember in Pushkin: "… and do not dispute a fool." Calmly and reasonably prove your case only to those who are dear to you, whose opinion is really important to you. Listen to those whom you do not respect in silence and, remaining with your opinion and not wasting your mental strength, leave. Well, yes, if you are sweet and gentle, then you should still be smart and proud. Believe me, no man will be proud of a scandalous wife.
Step 6
Don't be afraid to be a silly fool with your loved one. Make him feel strong and smart next to you.
To keep peace in the family, There is one wise trick:
I need to be so smart
To look like a fool with you.
A woman can move her beloved to any feats only with tenderness and affection.