To protect the interests of children whose parents are unable to take care of them, the law provides for the possibility of adoption. Adoption means the transfer of children to a family for upbringing. In this case, the child can be adopted by a stepfather or stepmother, or by two strangers to him.

Adoption is a form of placing children, which is the closest to consanguinity, since, firstly, there is the secret of adoption enshrined in the law, and secondly, the rights and obligations of adopted children and adoptive parents are equal to the rights and obligations of children and parents.
It should be noted that adoption is permanent and entails significant legal consequences, for example, the emergence of the right to inherit for the adoptive parents, the right to use the living quarters of the adoptive parent, etc.
It is possible to adopt a child who is under 18 years of age, and whose only parent or both parents have died, have been declared missing by the court or declared dead, declared incompetent by the court, have been deprived of parental rights by the court, have given their consent to adoption.
The fact that the parents of the child are not known, or that they left him in a medical institution must be confirmed by an act of the internal affairs bodies, guardianship authorities or the administration of the medical institution, respectively.
You can find out about who is deprived of parental care from the general state data bank, which is managed by the guardianship and guardianship authorities.
There are a number of requirements that apply to persons wishing to become adoptive parents. Thus, an adoptive parent can be an adult, capable citizen, in respect of whom a court decision has not been issued to deprive him of his parental rights or to cancel the adoption through his fault.
In addition, a citizen cannot adopt a child if he is sick with tuberculosis, diseases of the nervous system, malignant oncological diseases, drug addiction, substance abuse, alcoholism, etc. Therefore, each applicant for adoption undergoes compulsory honey. survey.
If a man and a woman who are not in a registered marriage wished to adopt a child, then only one of them draws up the adoption.
The adoptive parent must have a permanent place of residence, have an income not lower than the subsistence level for the subject.
The adoption process includes: filing an application with the guardianship authority to issue an opinion on the possibility of being an adoptive parent; examination of the applicant's living conditions; initial registration of the candidate in case of a positive conclusion; contacting the operator of the state. bank of information about children without parental care; obtaining a referral to visit the child in the institution where he is located. Personal acquaintance of the applicant for adoptive parents and the child is required. Another candidate must confirm in writing that he is familiar with the medical report on the health of the child; going to court with an application for adoption.
The rights and obligations of the adoptive parent and the adopted child arise from the moment the court decision on the establishment of adoption enters into legal force.