Adoption or custody of children from boarding schools is not yet popular in Russia. At the same time, this form of education is very popular in Europe.

It is worth saying that the Europeans are right about this. Children who grew up in foster families are distinguished by great socialization and adaptability to life, which cannot be said about graduates of a state institution. For parents wishing to adopt a child, specialists take a long time to prepare. This statement also applies to married couples with their own children. Parents are getting ready to interact with a new child, as children from boarding schools need a special trip, because they are different from an ordinary child.

Small toddlers are popular with parents wishing to adopt a child. Preschoolers are a little less popular. It is advisable to adopt children who have recently been removed from families. Therefore, in the boarding school, there are mainly teenagers who have recently been torn away from their families. More will be said about them later.
Orphans are brought up especially in boarding schools: they do not have to cook or buy food. They do not know the prices of the products. They do not have the ability to orientate in cities, as they travel by bus on excursions. They are serviced by special staff. So, boarding schools are not adapted to real life. It is for this reason that the state began to think about reforming the methods of raising orphans and children who are deprived of parental care. The essence of the transformation is to send the children back to the family. It is also planned to create family-type orphanages, where educators have to take care of ten children and receive money for this. After a while, it is planned to create state institutions, from where children will be transferred to new families.
First of all, adoptive parents need to take into account that they should not be afraid to adopt adult children. They also want to get into the family, and they try to become good. Small children are still capricious, but adolescents understand that they do not want to return to the boarding school and therefore obey their educators.