Sex is an important part of a relationship. If people don't match sexually, their romance usually ends. Dissatisfaction leads to irritation, tension and mutual reproaches. Therefore, it is important to determine sexual compatibility with a partner as early as possible.

Sometimes people do not fit each other in terms of the size of the genitals. For example, if a man has a too large penis, and a woman has a narrow vagina. During intercourse, discomfort and sometimes severe pain will be felt. Although some partners, after long attempts, find a position in which they can enjoy themselves.
Definition of temperament in sex
There are three types of temperaments in sex: strong, medium, weak. People with the same kind of temperament are best suited to each other. If the differences are great, discord on sexual grounds may arise in the family - dissatisfaction, reproaches, betrayal. Symptoms of one kind or another appear already from adolescence.
Strong people begin to mature early, become interested in sex and begin sexual activity earlier than other peers. In their life, sex is in the first place, as a rule, they are self-confident extroverts.
But people with a weak temperament mature longer, begin their sex life later than their peers. But they are distinguished by loyalty, romance, and often create strong families. They are quite happy with sex once a week, since they do not need more.
Most people belong precisely to the average type of temperament. Their preferences can range from sex once a week to almost daily carnal pleasures.
Determining sexual compatibility by blood group
Japanese scientists have determined that blood type affects people's attitudes towards sex.
People with the first blood group often think about sex and are active in bed.
Men with the second blood group are withdrawn, can have sex only with those to whom they experience strong emotions. And women are rather passive about sex, they often become careerists.
Both sexes with the third blood group have little interest in sex. For them, he is far from the first place in life, and they prefer to spend time on other hobbies.
And the owners of the fourth blood group are the best lovers. Women know how to have fun with any partner, have a high libido and quickly adapt to a new man. And young men with this blood group are considered ladies' men, because they elevate sex to the category of art. They gain experience quickly and are popular with girls.
Neighboring groups are perfectly combined with each other: the first and second, third and fourth. If you are with a partner with the same blood type, you will have perfect compatibility.
But even in the case of sexual incompatibility, some couples stay together. If people love each other, you can adjust to your partner and seek compromises.