For some parents, every child's trip to kindergarten turns into torture. Endless tears, screams, whims, scandals, persuasions … How, probably, these parents envy those families in which children go to kindergarten with pleasure. And they often ask themselves questions: how to set up a child to go to kindergarten with joy? How to make it so that the child himself asked for his "second home"?

Unwillingness to go to kindergarten is not always the usual "donkey stubbornness" of the kid. Most often this is due to some kind of annoying factors. Your task, as a parent, is to make your child's stay in kindergarten as comfortable as possible. Ask the teacher what problems your child has in kindergarten, how other children relate to him. Maybe they laugh at the peculiarities of his appearance (birthmark or scar), at his clothes or manner of speaking. In this case, there are two options. The first is to eliminate the object of ridicule, for example, change kindergarten clothes. The second is to inspire the child with the idea that what features of appearance or behavior make him unique, to develop his immunity to ridicule. And, in addition, you need to talk with the parents of the offenders so that they conduct an educational process in relation to their children.
Make sure your child has clean clothes at all times. Better - with some fashionable brand, for example, now fashionable Angry Birds. Think, maybe he is cold in his pajamas or uncomfortable in his gym shoes, or maybe he doesn’t know how to tie his shoes and it annoys him.
Talk to your child about the difficulties he faces in kindergarten. Maybe some boy or girl offends him, or maybe he hates "kindergarten" food. Next, you need to try to eliminate annoying factors. This is not always possible. Then you need to help the child cope with them. Difficulties should not be avoided and all problems of the child should not be solved for him. He must overcome them himself, become a winner. In this case, his comfort zone will also expand.
But what to do if the child is simply stubborn and wants to stay at home? The explanation that no one is at home anyway, no one will play with him or feed him, usually does not work. "So what? - says the kid. - I'll wait for you at home. One". Maybe for prevention it is worth once leaving him alone (but not for the whole day, of course, but for 15 minutes - and see what happens), but this is the most extreme case and it is better not to resort to it at all. There are many more humane ways to get a child to go to kindergarten.
Buy him special clothes and shoes "for the kindergarten", do not allow him to wear them on another day. Then, especially if your child is a fashionista, every trip to the kindergarten will be perceived as going out into the “light”.
Allow him to take toys with him to the kindergarten and show off to the children. The main thing is that he does not forget them in kindergarten and does not break them. If such a nuisance happened, you should not swear, but do not give him a new toy until he brings an old one from kindergarten or until you fix the breakdown.
For going to the kindergarten without hysterics, you can promise your baby something good. For example, if he goes to kindergarten for a week and never cries and does not say goodbye home, take him to the water park at the end of the week. But keep in mind - if you made such a promise, you need to fulfill it, despite all the force majeure. Otherwise, the child will not believe it another time.
Feed your child a delicious meal before and after kindergarten. You can give him a tasty treat on the way to kindergarten: an apple, a candy, a candy, a piece of chocolate or something else … Then it will be more fun to go.
Be sure to talk with your toddler during your kindergarten hikes and back. You can even tell him a long interesting story in the Scheherazade style (that is, leave the most interesting for the next morning). Then the child will have extra motivation to wake up in the morning and run to the kindergarten. After all, he will be curious how the next adventures of his beloved hero ended!