Is your child already interested in electricity and is tempted to conduct an interesting experiment? Make a fun and useful electric eel with your child. It can be used to check which materials conduct electricity. You need to touch two wires to different materials: metal, plastic, foil - and see if the lights come on.

- - four cardboard tubes from toilet paper rolls
- - scissors
- - Scotch
- - paints
- - three bulbs for 1.5 V
- - three sockets for bulbs
- - 9 V battery
- - the wire
Step 1
Color the tubes. When dry, cut three of them lengthwise. Punch holes in the middle against the incisions. Cut the fourth tube into two short halves.

Step 2
Connect the bulb holders in series. Cut another wire as long as the entire chuck chain.

Step 3
Stick the bulbs into the holes of the three long tubes. Screw them into the chucks. With tape, glue all the wires to the walls of the tubes from the inside, including the free one.

Step 4
Connect the tubes in a chain, gluing them with tape along the cuts made in step 1. Glue loose wires at one end with tape to the battery case. Then tape the battery to the inside of the half of the tube.

Step 5
Make small holes in the last half of the tube and pass the other remaining ends of the wires through them. Wrap them around the pencil to create spirals. Draw eyes on the tube.