Breast pumps have been around for a long time and are becoming more and more popular. Manufacturers are constantly improving their models to make the process of expressing milk convenient and pleasant for a woman.

Step 1
Milk appears in a woman a few days after the birth of a child, before that colostrum is excreted. Moreover, this can happen quite unexpectedly - in the evening there was nothing yet, and in the morning we woke up with a large poured chest. If the birth is for the first time and there is no attentive doctor nearby who will explain everything and show what to do, then there may be unpleasant sensations, pains and problems when feeding the baby, tk. he still does not have enough strength for active sucking. In this case, it is imperative to develop the breast, as well as express milk - this can be done with your hands or with a breast pump.
Step 2
A breast pump is also necessary if the woman produces much more milk than the baby eats, so that there is no congestion in the breast that can lead to mastitis. Or, if a young mother is not constantly with the child, but studies or works, and so that the baby is not transferred to artificial nutrition, pumping is an excellent option.
Step 3
They used to express milk by hand, and there are still adherents of this method, claiming that it is more effective and convenient than using a breast pump. But still, this method has its drawbacks - low productivity and a fairly large amount of time.
Step 4
The selection of breast pumps is now very large. Distinguish between manual, the essence of which is expressing milk by constantly pressing the lever / pear, and electric - powered by batteries or a network. Manual breast pumps are inexpensive, they can be used anywhere - they are compact, quiet, but you have to look at the models. Particular attention should be paid to the breast pad - it is better when it is silicone and creates a good vacuum, which increases the effectiveness of the device. An electric breast pump is easier to use - just attach it correctly and press the button, the intensity of pumping can be adjusted.
Step 5
Recently, electronic breast pumps have also appeared that can be programmed, and they will work in a convenient mode for a woman - at the same time, the pumping time, intensity and a certain rhythm are set.
Step 6
There are also breast pumps that have 2 breast pads at once, i.e. you can express two breasts at the same time, it is convenient, because speeds up the process.
Step 7
When choosing a breast pump, pay attention to the presence of a milk container. it is good to store it in them until the next feeding. See also that all parts can be easily removed and washed, and can also be heat treated - boiled. It is convenient when a baby bottle is attached to the breast pump - you have expressed milk, put on a pacifier and you can feed your baby. Some manufacturers make additional convenient little things in their devices - a stand, a storage bag, etc. All of this is optional, and you may never need to, but some people make their choice because of this.
Step 8
Which breast pump to choose, everyone decides for himself, based on his preferences and financial capabilities. In addition, you may not need it at all, if you have no problems with the first expression, and you plan to be with your baby all the time. Nowadays, on-demand feeding is practiced, and if he has a good appetite, then you are not afraid of stagnation in the chest either.