Children learn to interact with each other and sometimes find it difficult to express their emotions, especially those associated with another person. The game can be played in the yard, in a kindergarten, in a camp, at a school, at a children's party. Any adult who has carefully studied the rules of the game can become the leader of the game. The number of children must be at least 4, but no more than 15.

A ball of colored wool, a bag of sweets
Step 1
Invite the children to sit or stand in one common circle. Tell the children about the game: “Now we are going to play a very interesting game with you. We will all make up a large colored web together. We will pass the ball to each other to the person we like in some way. For example, you like Olya's eyes or Serezha's shirt. Throwing a ball, you have to say what you like in the boy or girl you have chosen"
Step 2
Wrap the free end of the woolen thread a couple of times around your palm and gently throw the ball towards one of the children, saying for example: "I like the way Helen sings."
Step 3
Have the child lightly wrap the string around their palm and throw the ball to the next child, explaining their choice. Make sure that every child gets the ball.
Step 4
After the ball has been in the hands of all the guys several times, offer to carefully remove the strings from your hands and place the cobweb in the "package of amenities". A treat package”is a bag with sweets from which every child should get a sweet.
Step 5
Talk to the children if it was easy for them to make their own choices and say nice things to other children? Explain that in order to say something pleasant, you do not have to wait for the game, but you need to say it right away when you want to. Explain that if someone has done something unpleasant, then you also need to immediately come up and say about your emotions, and not fight, complain, shout or cry.