The attitude of women to sex on the first date is quite different. For some it is taboo, for others it is quite acceptable. And each of these points of view has its own foundations and prerequisites.

No matter how morals change, in matters of sexual intimacy between a man and a woman, the positions of many representatives of the fair sex in many ways remain classically restrained. Of course, most modern women are much more relaxed than, say, 50 years ago. Nevertheless, there are quite a few contemporaries who consider sex on the first date as unacceptable and reprehensible. In many ways, this attitude towards intimacy with a man is a consequence of education and the impact of moral and ethical social norms. A woman's easy accessibility has never earned respect. Therefore, the desire to preserve the idea of a woman about herself in the eyes of the opposite sex as one who has dignity and deserves respect, does not cease to be relevant among her contemporaries. However, there are two more nuances worth mentioning in this regard.
First, not every woman experiences moral, emotional and physical pleasure from having sex. Sometimes, the inability to enjoy sex, fears associated with pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases prevent some women from perceiving sex as an act of pleasure. Therefore, intimacy for them really becomes something undesirable, which should be avoided as long as possible.
Secondly, a woman, as a more emotional being, first of all needs to achieve emotional closeness with a man. When a woman still does not know a man well enough, when she feels a sufficiently large distance between herself and him on a spiritual and emotional level, sexual contact for her is perceived as an invasion of her personal, intimate space. Rejection, rejection can cause not only attempts to enter into sexual intercourse with her, but also hugs, kiss, touch.
Thirdly, acquaintance with a man for most women is a search at least for a partner for a stable relationship, and as a maximum for marriage. A man is assessed according to such qualities as his material well-being, the ability to take responsibility for her and future children, stability in relationships, the absence of shortcomings that potentially hinder family life. The sexuality of a man in the perception of a woman is rather limited by a simple idea of external attractiveness, superficial sympathy.
Women who consider men and sexual relations with them in the aspects described above, of course, treat sex on the first date rather negatively, considering it unacceptable for such close communication in the early stages of acquaintance.
And if, nevertheless, sex happens for some reason, women with such ideas, most likely, perceive it as a mistake, to experience emotional discomfort. Considering the prospect of a further relationship with a man after sex on the first date, they, most often, feel insecure that the man will take them seriously.
At the same time, now there are not so few women and, first of all, young girls who do not consider sex on the first date as something reprehensible. Their interest in meeting a man in most cases differs markedly from that described above. Considering that the way to a man's heart lies through the bed, they are ready to follow this path without any false modesty. Most often, women with such an idea of / u200b / u200bthe relationship with men do not look for something serious and deep in them. Their interests are often associated with receiving material benefits from a man.
However, it should be noted that there are exceptions. Among them there may be a woman's unwillingness to enter into a relationship with someone, the desire to simply satisfy her needs, and the most common love for the process of sex and the desire to obtain sexual satisfaction.
Probably every woman at least once in her life met a man for whom she was irresistibly seized by passion. It also happens that a man shows great persistence, and a woman, on the contrary, does not persist too much, although she does not feel passion. In the minds of many women, a relationship that began with sex does not end with anything. However, there are plenty of married couples who have had sex on the first date. At the same time, such couples went through a specific crisis caused just by intimacy on the first date. The most difficult thing for such a couple is to cope with the doubts that inevitably arise in both partners. These doubts are associated with the idea of the ability to easily enter into sexual relations with an unfamiliar woman (man), the ability to be faithful in a long-term relationship. Usually this gives a lot of reasons for suspicion, mistrust, doubt. How successfully both partners cope with them depends largely on how their relationship will develop further.