The first document your newborn baby will get is a birth certificate. Until the moment the baby turns a month, it needs to be issued in the registry office. In complete families, either of the two parents can obtain a birth certificate. But if, for some reason, the mother will raise the child on her own, the paperwork falls on her fragile shoulders.

It is necessary
passport, certificate of the birth of a child, issued by a medical institution
Step 1
Apply with all documents to the registry office located at the place of your registration. If you do not live where you are registered, you can register the child at the place of his birth.
Step 2
Fill out the child registration application form. Indicate in it your name, patronymic and surname, place of birth and date, citizenship and address of the place of residence. Carefully copy from your passport its series and number, the date when the document was issued and the place of issue. If you wish, you can indicate your nationality, but if you do not want to, you can leave this column empty.
Step 3
Leave blank the section of the application where you need to provide information about the child's father. In this case, there will be a dash in the birth certificate instead of its data. If you want your child's birth certificate to be no different from a similar document belonging to a child from a complete family, you can skip this step and proceed to the next one.
Step 4
Indicate in the appropriate section the name and patronymic of the child's father. You do not need to enter your surname; by default, your surname will be written in the information about the father on the child's birth certificate.
Step 5
Make sure the birth certificate issued to you is completed without errors. The name and patronymic of the child must correspond to what you indicated in the appropriate column of the application.
Step 6
Get a certificate stating that the father of the child is recorded from your words. It will be required when registering a child at the place of residence, applying for benefits with social security authorities, when traveling abroad and in many other cases. If there is a dash in the Father column, you do not need this certificate.