A residence permit is a documented place of residence of a person. Sometimes it does not always coincide with the actual one, in this case it is advisable to issue a temporary registration in order to be able to get a job, be served in clinics, etc. Even a newborn child must have a residence permit, although the time frame for obtaining it is not stipulated in the law.

It is necessary
- - passports of both parents and their copies
- - birth certificate of the child and its copy
- - marriage registration certificate and its copy
- - statement from parents
- - an extract from the house book or the house book itself - when living in a private house
- - an extract from the personal account of housing
Step 1
After the birth of a child, it is necessary to obtain a number of documents for him, without which his further service in the clinic, setting in a kindergarten, etc. is impossible. These include the registration of the baby, i.e. registering it at the place of residence. Only one of the parents or guardians can register him.
Step 2
If the parents are registered in different places, it is better to register the child where he will actually live. This will simplify his medical care and training in the future.
Step 3
When officially registering a marriage, a baby can be registered with both his mother and his father. To do this, you must provide a package of documents to the passport office at the place of registration. If the child is registered with the father, the presence of both parents is necessary, in the case of registration with the mother, only her is enough. You must have the passports of both parents, a marriage registration certificate, a child's birth certificate and copies of all these documents.
Step 4
At the passport office, you need to write 2 statements: one on behalf of the father, that he is not against the registration of the child with him, and the second from the mother - that she agrees that the child is prescribed by his father. You also need an extract from the house book about the persons registered in the apartment (in the case of registration in a private house, this book is required in the original).
Step 5
If the child is already a month old at the time of registration, a certificate from the passport office of the other parent is required that the child is not registered with him. You will also need an extract from the personal account of the apartment / house, which can be obtained from the passport office.
Step 6
After you give all the documents, within a week you will be given a sheet of permanent registration of the baby with seals and signatures. It does not have a validity period, and when the child receives a passport, he will be stamped in it.
Step 7
If the parents are not married, but the father is recognized as official, and this is spelled out in the child's birth certificate, a notarized consent of the mother is required to register the baby with his father. If the father is not officially recognized, a child under 14 can only be registered with the mother.