At the birth of a baby, many parents face the problem of registering it, that is, what surname to give it. If mom and dad are married and have the same surname, then the child receives this surname. But there are other situations in life that you need to know about in advance.

Step 1
If the parents of the baby are married, but have different surnames, then the child can be written either to the mother's surname, or to the father's surname by agreement. As a rule, they give the father's surname.
Step 2
If the parents are not married, then the child is recorded by the mother's surname. Then they need to submit a joint application for the establishment of paternity, after the recognition of which, the child's surname can be changed. This will take some time and change of documents.
Step 3
After divorce, if the child bears the father's surname, the mother may wish to change it to hers. In this case, if the child has not reached the age of 14, his surname can be changed only with the consent of the father. If the mother changed the child's surname without the permission of the former spouse, then he can go to court to appeal this decision.
Step 4
There are situations when a woman remarries after a divorce and wants to change her child's surname. This can be done without the consent of the child's father only if he is deprived of paternity. If he takes part in education and pays alimony, this cannot be done. In addition, it is possible to change the child's surname without the father's consent if it is not possible to establish his whereabouts, if he is declared incompetent by the court, or if he avoids raising and maintaining the child without good reason.
To change the surname, the child must apply to the guardianship and guardianship authorities with an application. The following documents must be attached to the application:
-original and a copy of the birth certificate;
-original and a copy of the divorce certificate;
-certificate of a new marriage;
- a court decision to deprive the child's father of parental rights or a statement of his consent to change the child's surname. After the guardianship and guardianship authorities agree to change the surname, it is necessary to apply with a similar statement to the registry office. The following documents must be attached to the application:
-original and a copy of the birth certificate;
-original and a copy of the divorce certificate;
-certificate of a new marriage;
- a court decision to deprive the child's father of parental rights or a statement of his consent to change the child's surname;
- a copy of the consent of the guardianship and trusteeship authority;
- receipt of payment of the state duty. After consideration of the application by the registry office, it is necessary to start replacing all the documents of the child.