Children are just children. Every day on the streets, they stage their little revolutions, deal with eerie conflicts and learn different behaviors. However, the state reserves the right to “take note” of children who initially find questionable role models.

Obviously, "special attention" is paid to children exhibiting antisocial behavior. It is determined by Order No. 569 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of May 26, 2000: you can find a whole list of positions for which the child will be forced to undergo regular "educational conversations."
The most "harmless" item on the list - the use of drugs or intoxicants - for which, for example, teachers at school can be caught. The rest can be generally characterized as “Committing unlawful acts of varying degrees of severity”. From an administrative fine for a broken window, to a crime for which, due to age, they cannot be prosecuted.
The balance is obvious: small violations are terrible only in large numbers, and for crossing the road in the wrong place they can be "recorded" only from the 5th time, if not later. In more serious cases, the decision is made individually: with a fight it can still "carry", but you will have to answer for the beating. Especially if the injured party actively demands it.
However, the real world is not perfect. Unfortunately, there are reporting norms and police arbitrariness, which often lead to absurd results. There are cases when a bureaucratic machine started up a "dossier" on a child for crossing the street or violating curfews (in almost all of Russia, children are not allowed to be on the street after 22:00). At the same time, even a favorable outcome of the commission on juvenile affairs, which considers each case, is not a guarantee.
Alas, there are not too many chances to rectify the situation in this case. As in any other case, the state is unlikely to easily want to admit its mistake. Stock up on a good lawyer, the characteristics of the family in general and the child in particular, and go first to the places, and then to the higher authorities. If there is no way out, then reassure yourself that the registration of such a registration, although reflected in a number of documents, does not create any serious obstacles in front of a person on the path of life.