How To Behave With A Traffic Police Officer

How To Behave With A Traffic Police Officer
How To Behave With A Traffic Police Officer

If you are stopped by the traffic police, then, first of all, do not be nervous. To stop simply because they so wanted, the traffic police have no right. If you do not violate anything, then you have nothing to fear. They are obliged to do this strictly by order and other regulatory documents.

How to behave with a traffic police officer
How to behave with a traffic police officer

Traffic police officers have the right to stop a vehicle on the basis of Order No. 329 of June 1, 1998. It is called "On Reforming the Activities of the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia." The reasons for stopping the vehicle in this document are called such situations.

Why was it stopped?

• Violation of traffic rules. As a driver and passengers.

• The traffic police have data according to which the driver or passengers are suspected of involvement in a traffic accident, or an administrative offense, or a criminal offense.

• The vehicle you are driving may be on the wanted list, or the traffic police have information that it was used in illegal acts.

• A questioning of the driver or passengers is carried out if they witnessed an accident, an administrative offense, or a crime.

• The decisions of the authorized state bodies or officials, who decided to restrict traffic or even prohibit it, are being implemented.

• To assist other road users, people injured in an accident, or police officers.

• Verification of documents for the right to use and operate the machine. They can ask for documents for the cargo, they can check the documents for the vehicle itself.

What if stopped?

If you are stopped, and this is possible by law only at stationary traffic police posts, or at checkpoints or police checkpoints, you may not get out of the car. This is your right, not your obligation.

The police officer must introduce himself, state his position, rank and surname. The police officer should state the reason why he stopped you. The traffic police officer is obliged to check your documents carefully. If they contain money, I must offer to take it out. You should behave calmly with the police officer, do not be nervous. Speak without yelling or using jargon.

All traffic police officers must have a badge on their chest, they must be dressed in uniform. When talking with a traffic inspector, you should not be rude to him, but even if he is impolite from his side, you should tell him about it. If you have been given a fine, then the employee must give you a coupon, you don’t give him money in your hands, but you pay the fine at the bank. If the inspector offers to open the trunk, he must explain the reason for this.

He has no right to stop for a long time. Do not argue with a traffic police officer if you really violated the traffic rules. He has technical tools that have probably fixed your mistake. If you argue, the maximum sanctions can be applied.

If the inspector is wrong, you must argue for this. You can prove your case if you know the Rules of the Road very well. For this, it is best to always have a commentary brochure in the car. Be tactful with the employee. Do not mind if you are asked to "blow" the tube. If you refuse, you will be taken to an examination anyway. You can refuse to sign the protocol if you know for sure that you are not guilty.

Perhaps these simple tips will help you on the road. A police officer is a person just like you. Yes, he is endowed with power, but it does not give him the right to behave insolently or in a boorish way. If you disagree with something, you should record this fact, call for help from witnesses and contact either the higher authorities of this employee or the court.
