What To Give A Three-year-old Child For His Birthday

What To Give A Three-year-old Child For His Birthday
What To Give A Three-year-old Child For His Birthday

When invited to a child's birthday, there is often a dilemma of what to give him. Even those who have children of their own feel insecure when choosing a gift. In this article, here are some tips on what you can give your child at the age of three.

What to give a three-year-old child for his birthday
What to give a three-year-old child for his birthday

General rules

  • If there is an opportunity to consult with the child's parents about the gift, this is the best option. Check with them what cartoons or films their child watches, whom he imitates. Perhaps the parents of the child will tell you exactly what their baby wants to get for his birthday, and save you from the difficult selection process.
  • If there is no opportunity to get parental advice, then avoid the banal and obvious gifts that lie on the very first shelves in Detsky Mir, which have been on sale for the second month already, which you see in the hands of the kids passing by. Most likely, the birthday person for whom you want to buy a gift also has such a toy.

Gift for a boy

  1. One of the Lego sets. There is for every taste and budget. The age is always indicated on the packaging. It is better to strictly follow the age markings, as it means the level of complexity of the toy, its assembly and the size of the parts. They also release sets for various films (for example, IronMan) and famous cartoons. There are a lot of "boyish" themes.
  2. Typewriter. The main thing is as close as possible to a real car externally. At the age of three, plastic colored cars are no longer interesting, you want to "like your dad" or like the main character of your favorite movie.
  3. A locksmith's set, where there is a hammer, a drill, a screwdriver and everything, everything that dad has and what his son wants to play so much.
  4. A tablet is an expensive gift option. This is a definite hit on the target with a gift. But, not all parents will be happy that their child has such a device. Be sure to try to find out their attitude to such a gift in advance.

Gift for a girl

  1. Sets for creativity: from plasticine, various applications, drawings on stained-glass windows. If the girl is assiduous, then she will appreciate such a gift.
  2. Dolls, doll houses, doll clothes. It is better to choose modern Baby Born, Bratz, Barbie, Winx rather than fatherly "babies".
  3. Set for the doctor. Now kits are sold with a phonendoscope, plastic syringes, and various flasks for medicines.
  4. Sets of children's cosmetics. Necessarily well-known proven brands so that it is as safe as possible for the child.

Universal gift

The most versatile gift is a book. A good book will also please the kid's parents.

I recommend several options:

  • Sets of the "School of the Seven Dwarfs" series.
  • Rotraut books by Susanna Berner.
  • Books by Irina and Leonid Tyukhtyayevs from the Zoki and Buds series.
