How To Treat A Cough In Young Children

How To Treat A Cough In Young Children
How To Treat A Cough In Young Children

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A cough brings a lot of trouble to a sick child. In most cases, it is a symptom of ARVI. To properly treat a baby, it is very important to establish the nature of the cough.

How to treat a cough in young children
How to treat a cough in young children


Step 1

Doctors distinguish between wet (productive) and dry (nonproductive) coughs. These terms speak for themselves. A dry cough does not help the body get rid of harmful substances, but only exhausts the baby, preventing him from fully resting and sleeping, irritating the respiratory tract. Don't run a cough like this, hoping it will go away without treatment. This is dangerous because often it turns into bronchitis. By immediately contacting a doctor and starting treatment, it will be possible to cope with a dry cough quite quickly. The pediatrician will prescribe medications that suppress the cough reflex so that the baby can rest easy and gain strength to fight the infection.

Step 2

Carefully observe the condition of the crumbs. Typically, the cough starts out dry and then becomes moist. A wet cough removes phlegm, which, stagnating, can be saturated with harmful substances and poison the baby's body. Therefore, it is impossible to suppress a wet cough with drugs. In this case, the baby needs drugs that help thin and remove sputum. They should also be prescribed by a pediatrician. Back massage and breathing exercises help well to remove phlegm from the child's body.

Step 3

If the baby's body temperature is not elevated, put a compress with sour cream warmed up to 40-45 degrees. Warm it up in a water bath, moisten a cotton napkin with it, put the child on the back, avoiding the heart area. Cover the top with compressor paper, then a woolen cloth. Strengthen the compress with a towel and hold for an hour or two. To make the disease go away as soon as possible, give your baby warm milk with borjomi, baby tea with honey, lemon or raspberries (if there is no allergy).
