The ability to tie shoelaces is different for every child. Someone masters this science by the age of 4-5, the other approaches school age without the skill of tying shoelaces. In modern babies, the situation is complicated by the fact that shoes for them are mainly produced with Velcro and, in general, there is nothing for them to exercise. However, you need to learn how to tie your shoelaces. How can this be done?

It is necessary
lace-up shoes or a lace-up toy
Step 1
First, get your child a lacing toy. There are countless numbers of them in stores. You can also try to make such a toy with your own hands - show your imagination and invention, and you will succeed. To increase your little one's interest in the lace-tying process, you can buy new shoes for him. This technique works especially with girls - they love new clothes and will be happy to try them on.
Step 2
Secondly, it is better to show your child the ways of lacing and tying shoelaces while sitting next to him or behind him. Thus, the shoe with a lace will be in front of the baby and he will not have to repeat your actions in a mirror image. Repeat your chosen lace-tying algorithm several times. Let your student remember it well. Once you've shown your child how to tie shoelaces, give them time to experiment. Even if he cannot repeat the instructions you gave, your little one may be able to invent his own way of tying shoelaces.
Step 3
Here's an example of how you can proceed to teach your child how to tie shoelaces. First, teach him how to tie knots - show him how to bring one end of the lace under the other and pull. Once your child gets it right, you can show how to tie a bow. Be patient and don't rush your baby. Turn learning into a game. Come up with a rhyme, song or fairy tale that shows the importance of tying your own shoelaces and helps you remember the procedure.
Step 4
Now for some helpful tips. An important point in any learning is praise. She stimulates the child to do great things. Do not forget to say a few affectionate words to your baby, even with little progress. You will see for yourself how happy he will be and will begin to study even harder.
Step 5
Encourage your child to strive for independence and self-reliance. This desire, to a greater or lesser extent, is present in any baby. Explain that if he can tie the shoelaces the fastest in his group, he will not need the help of a caregiver and will always be the first to go for a walk.
Step 6
Be sure to develop your child's fine motor skills. Many people know the statement - "the mind of the child is at your fingertips" - but not everyone is guided by it. Let him string beads or beads, let him help you sort out the rump. These simple exercises will not only help your toddler develop skills like tying shoelaces and buttoning up, but also improve his or her mental capacity.